

  • Three-wheeled eRinGo car concept: no thanks

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    It's hard to hold the designers of concept cars accountable -- so few ever come close to seeing the light of day, and they are, after all -- concepts. That said, the eRinGo car is one design we seriously hope never comes to fruition. A two-seater that's capable of converting back and forth between one and three-wheeled driving, depending on the curves of the road ahead, the eRinGo looks like a half-crushed can of Heineken. Not a good thing, in our opinion. That said, we like the two steering wheel concept -- wherein the passenger on either side can take over driving duties -- great if your friends are the agreeable sort willing to hand over the keys at any moment. There isn't much more meat as to how this dude would work, but that's what your imagination is for, right? There's one more shot of this bad, bad boy after the break.