

  • Wii Warm Up: We're sold

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Ever since the Nintendo Channel was released, we felt the videos on offer did a good job of promoting whichever product was the focal point of any specific video. Whether it's just a video explaining the Balance Board or something else, it's a good way for Nintendo to keep the public informed on what's coming down the pipes for Wii.Has the Nintendo Channel ever sold you on something, though? Have you ever watched a video on there, only to immediately crave the title in question? Has the Nintendo Channel sold you on any games yet? If so, which games and why?

  • DS Daily: L'eggo my demo

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you don't get the "L'eggo" reference, let us just say that it's a short form for saying "let go."Okay, so what are we getting on about? Well, sure enough, in checking to see if there any new DS demos from the Everyone's Nintendo Channel (which has become customary as of late), we found absolutely nothing. What's the deal, Nintendo? If there were any day we could've used some fresh demos, yesterday could've been it.You think we should be getting demos every Monday? Of course you do! So, let us know what demos you'd like to see hit the service! Want to try a demo for that hot new game? Let us know! What do you want to see?

  • Nintendo Channel now live

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo/Wii_Update_Nintendo_Channel'; That blue glow from our Wiis can only mean one thing -- time for an update!This wasn't just any old update, though. After months of coveting the service, the Nintendo Channel (known in Japan as Everybody's Nintendo Channel) is finally available for download via the Wii Shop Channel. The download is free, but will take up a few blocks, so make sure you have enough space. You'll also need to have updated your Wii since March 20th in order to get it, according to Nintendo.We're pretty pleased with what the channel has to offer so far. There's already around forty videos available for your viewing pleasure. Most of them are just trailers for upcoming Nintendo games, but there's also a nice little Miyamoto interview.Aside from watching videos, make sure to click on the "Find Titles for You" tab. Here, you can check out the newest titles for Nintendo consoles, and also download demos for DS games.These are just our initial impressions from browsing around the channel, so if you notice any other neat features, be sure to let us know in the comments! Nintendo also posted a video of the various things you can do with the channel, which you can check out here.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

  • Student-made DS games can be downloaded from Japanese Wiis

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    Student-created DS games are nothing new in Japan, thanks to Nintendo's game seminars. When the students finish their games, Nintendo usually makes them available at DS Download Stations so that other people throughout Japan can play and enjoy them.The company has just one-upped itself, though, by allowing DS owners to download these games from their Wiis. From now until April 22nd, Wakeari no Heya Tsuzuki (a horror game that is played book style) will be available for download on the Minna no Nintendo Channel (Everybody's Nintendo Channel), with more student-made games likely to follow.While anyone outside of Japan (unless you've imported a Japanese Wii) can't do anything but look on jealously, we have to admit that this is a great move by Nintendo. Nintendo of Japan, that is. From what we hear, the students' games are actually pretty good, and offering them to millions of people benefits both the students who've created them and DS owners who want to play them. Even though the game seminar titles were made available to the public before via DS Download Stations, using DS/Wii connectivity to host them will only make them more accessible than ever.Still, seeing all the potential of the Everybody's Nintendo Channel with the DS and not actually having it is pure torture.

  • Finally, DS demo downloads via Wii

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/nintendo_wii/Finally_DS_demo_downloads_via_Wii'; Among the other megatons Nintendo dropped at its Tokyo conference late last night, the company revealed that the Wii will soon support a feature we've been speculating on for some time now -- enabling the console to act as a DS demo download station. At last, you can finally try out games like that new Nancy Drew release without ever leaving the comfort of your own home!Much like with the download stations that are already installed in game stores and airports across the country, Nintendo Wii owners will eventually be able to download video game trailers and demos wirelessly to their DS through the newly announced "Everyone's Nintendo Channel." A concrete date hasn't yet been set for the channel's launch.