

  • Toshiba Gigabeat S exposed!

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Congratulations Toshiba, not only has your new Gigabeat S been well received by the press and spoken of with reverence in the halls of Engadget, but now it's been ushered into the elite realm of "interesting enough to post pictures of its dissection." Anything But iPod did the honors here, and while they found the battery to be easily replaceable, they don't really recommend going to the same lengths they did to check out the processor and the rest. Luckily you can live vicariously and peep these nudie pics from the comfort of your own home.

  • MacBook innards exposed!

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    These days you're not a real gadget unless somebody splays you across their workbench for all the world to see. Apple products are especially privy to such treatment, and the MacBook is proving no exception, going from announcement to dissection in roughly 24 hours. The dissasembler over at Kodawarisan responsible for this was quite thorough, and along the way displays a couple of the niceities of the MacBook. First off, the RAM slots are quite convenient. You just remove the screws from the memory door and you have access to the two slots, with little ejector tabs to help you with your efforts. Replacing the hard drive is just as easy (pictured bottom left), which means you can finally replace your own drive without voiding the warranty. Perpendicular storage here we come![Via Tuaw, Zatz Not Funny]