

  • MotorStorm, SOCOM, Eye of Judgment Legends servers going away soon

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The online multiplayer servers for the PS3's Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and the PSP's MotorStorm Arctic Edge and SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 3 will be shut down on October 1, according to an alert on the UK PlayStation site. If you have fond memories of sweet offroad racing and coordinated military strikes with friends, you should revisit them now before it's too late.Before those three, the PSP's augmented reality card game The Eye of Judgment Legends will go offline on August 31. We've asked Sony to verify these dates are worldwide, and don't just apply to the UK.

  • Eye of Judgment: Legends to be released on PSN in spring

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Not only does Eye of Judgment: Legends on PSP lack both the camera and physical cards that characterized the PlayStation 3 original, but it doesn't even have a disc. SCEA officially announced the game for the US, to be released only as a download on the PlayStation Store in (when else?) spring 2010. Despite the absence of real cards, players will still be able to expand their decks through additional PSN downloads. Cards can also be traded between players or earned in-game. Producer Kumi Yuasa promised more information on "new single and multi player modes," meaning that this game has additional content not found in the PS3 version, other than the "over 30" new cards being added to the deck.

  • Eye of Judgment: Legends for PSP rated by ESRB

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    [Game Watch] Eager to play Eye of Judgment, the unique PS3 card game that uses the PlayStation Eye to read real cards, without the camera and the cards? Then Eye of Judgment's new PSP iteration is for you, and it appears that Sony has plans to release it in North America. The ESRB has rated the game for North American release under the title, Eye of Judgment: Legends. In addition to implying an eventual retail release, the rating also reveals that the localization is due for a second pass with lines like, "the tremors of earth soaked in the Children of Earth in blood." Oh my.