fake firmware


  • The misinformation of PSP homebrew

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    If there's one thing the internet is good for (besides porn), is rumors, lies and viruses. Somehow, the internet likes to spread blantant lies and misinformation around. QJ.net takes an interesting retrospective look at how PSP homebrewers have been affected: Fake firmware downgraders were especially popular around PSP's launch. The downgraders advertised on the web made the PSP a shiny $250 paperweight. PSP "patchers" were supposed to help out, as were "unbrickers". They were pretty good at bricking systems. There are always coders pretending to have successfully emulated complex 3D games on the system: so far PSX and N64 emulators haven't been too fruitful. Developer ZoMbi146, notorious for an N64 emulator, disappeared once his ambitions couldn't be realized. It's an interesting article to read through if you want to see the potential dangers in the homebrew community. Remember kids, always make sure the sources that you download are legit, because some people have nothing better to do than try to brick your PSP.