

  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Raid testing for Tuesday, August 27

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    If you've been wanting to test out heroic modes in the Siege of Orgrimmar before patch 5.4 hits live servers on September 10, now's your chance. Tomorrow the PTR will be featuring 25-man heroic difficulty testing of three of the fights in the new raid. Fallen Protectors, Kor'kron Dark Shaman and General Nazgrim will all be available for testing over the course of the day tomorrow. Keep in mind that this is heroic difficulty, so expect the fights to look a little different than their normal or flex mode counterparts. Remember that these PTR bosses are open for testing purposes -- don't forget to leave your feedback for the encounters in the appropriate threads on the official PTR forums. Don't worry about bringing your own raid group -- although it is helpful, it's not required. If you need one, just hang around the raid entrance in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, as it's likely there will be more than a few raid groups looking for people to fill spots. And if you're worried about gear, don't be -- all gear will be scaled to the appropriate ilvl for the encounter. Read on for more details, including the full schedule of times for individual raid bosses.

  • Patch 5.4 PTR: First Raid Finder wing of Siege of Orgrimmar Available

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Patch 5.4's Siege of Orgrimmar is available for testing on the PTR raid finder for the weekend of July 19 - 22. If you're looking for something to do this weekend, why not head over to the PTR and check it out? The first part of Siege of Orgrimmar involves the first four bosses. This is another big indicator of how close we're getting to a patch 5.4 drop on live servers. Perhaps another month and a half or two? Vale of Eternal Sorrows (Part 1) Immerseus The Fallen Protectors Norushen Sha of Pride Weekend LFR Testing - July 19-22 The first LFR wing of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid is currently open for testing, and will likely remain so throughout the weekend. Please feel free to check it out and share your feedback. source

  • Patch 5.4 PTR: Siege of Orgimmar raid testing schedule

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Welcome to the first of many upcoming raid tests on the patch 5.4 PTR! The Siege of Orgrimmar is about to take place and both the Horde and the Alliance are invited! This is your chance to preview the upcoming encounters in a blank slate with no prior information. No strategies. No videos. No writeups. It's going to be you, your raid, and your brains as you figure out how to best these encounters (or break them). Blizzard will be starting with 10-player encounters before moving on to their Heroic and 25-player iterations. Testing starts Monday, June 24 and Tuesday, June 25. Like the previous Throne of Thunder tests for patch 5.2, the bosses will only be available for a limited window of time. Get your characters copied over or create a new level 90 premade if you wish to help! Monday, June 24 Fallen Protectors - 10 Player Normal - 10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST) Kor'kron Dark Shaman (Who are the Dark Shaman?) - 10 Player Normal - 16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST) Tuesday, June 25 Immerseus - 10 Player Normal - 10:30 PDT (13:30 EDT, 19:30 CEST) General Nazgrim - 10 Player Normal 16:00 PDT (19:00 EDT, 01:00 CEST) Catch the official blue post after the jump!