fan festival


  • Engadget

    First 'Harry Potter: Wizards Unite' festival occurs Labor Day weekend

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Niantic promised real-world events for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite in the same vein as Pokémon Go Fests when it announced the game's official launch. Now the company has revealed that it has already scheduled the new game's first fan event for this Labor Day weekend (from August 31st to September 1st) at White River State Park in Indianapolis, Indiana.

  • E3 2014: Final Fantasy XIV Live Letter details fan festival dates

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fans have been eagerly awaiting the dates for the Final Fantasy XIV festival in October, and during the most recent live letter from the producer those dates were finally revealed. The gathering will take place on October 18th and 19th at Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, October 25th at the Tobacco Dock in London, and December 20th and 21st at the Tokyo Big Sight in Tokyo. Other revelations from the letter? Personal chambers are going to be priced at approximately 300,000 gil for players who want a room of their own off of their Free Company house. Patch 2.3 will be going live on July 8th. There are also more questions asked regarding the new floors of Crystal Tower, the addition of new items, and the Frontline system, but all of those answers can be found in the official translation thread. Massively's on the ground in Los Angeles during the week of June 10-12, bringing you all the best news from E3 2014. We're covering everything from WildStar and Landmark to Skyforge and H1Z1, so stay tuned!

  • Final Fantasy XIV fan festival announced for October

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Fan gatherings for games are all the rage lately, and Final Fantasy XIV is getting in on the action. While a number of fan festivals for Final Fantasy XI have taken place in Japan, this year fans in the US are getting to take part as well without international travel. Square-Enix has announced plans for this year's fan gatherings in October and November, kicking off in Las Vegas and later arriving in Tokyo and London. So when in October will this be happening? It's still ambiguous, although dates are due to be announced in June. But it's definitely happening in October, and it's definitely going to be in Vegas. This also counts as the inaugural festival for the game, as previous years simply incorporated coverage of FFXIV into the FFXI fan festivals. If you can't get enough of chocobos and moogles, you'd better start saving your money now; the full press release is available after the break. [Source: Square-Enix press release]