

  • It came from the Blog live: Fashion Show

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Hello and welcome to It came from the Blog's first annual Fashion Show, coming to you live from the Court of the Sun in Silvermoon City! If you have a Horde character of any level on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H), you may show off your best outfit on the runway for all to see. Or just sit back and enjoy the show by watching the stream above and making your comments in the chat after the break. Update: The Fashion Show is now over. You can watch the video replay by clicking on the image above.

  • It came from the Blog: Join us for a fashion show

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    I'm not exactly known for my in-game fashion sense, but with all the talk about transmogrification and the collecting of fun clothes, I think it's time for It came from the Blog's first fashion show. When: Wednesday, Aug. 31, 10:30 p.m. EDT (7:30 p.m. PDT, 8:30 p.m. server time) Where: Meet at the Court of the Sun in Silvermoon City on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H) Who: Any level Horde character How: Ask any member of It came from the Blog for an invite, if you are not already in our family of guilds. If you are on a trial account, just whisper /flex at Robiness to join the show. We will make use of that lovely ramp that those show-off Blood Elves have in their capital city to display our best outfits/costumes/atrocities. If you are just creating a character or have a low-level character with nothing but greys and whites, please join us anyway. We'll have sections of the show just for you. As usual, I will be streaming the event. Join us! Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H) in It came from the Blog. All Guild ranks can invite, so /whisper any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.

  • Wings Over Atreia: All's fayre in vanity and war

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    This past week in Aion saw an event that I hope marks a new trend. It wasn't so much the actual event that got me excited as the fact that NCsoft jumped in and created a small, personal-type event that involved players on more than a "go kill X mob 20 times for a neat gift" level. It had personal GM interaction and invited participation from the community, showcasing creativity and even roleplay. So what exactly was this event that made me sit up and take notice? The Vanity Fayre Season One. Yes folks, it was a fashion show! OK, OK -- I see some of you rolling your eyes over there! It may be just a fashion show on the surface -- and I admit, I wouldn't normally be one to participate in said event (possibly because my toon would rather be skinning some furbacks than be caught in a dress) -- but that doesn't stop me from whole-heartedly cheering that an event transpired and giving my support to it. See, the real kicker is that this wasn't just a player-created event; it was a GM-hosted affair. A GM, as in... one was actually there and interacting with players! You have to admit, that's more rare than a Trioran greatsword drop! A portent of things to come? Only time will tell, but sashay across the cut to get all the details of this event and explore the dream of more live GM interaction in Aion.

  • The beauty of MMO fashion shows

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    As our MMOs get more immersive in regards to graphical environments and especially character models, it is an inevitable progression to introduce fan-driven beauty contests into the mix. Fansites and forums are always finding new ways to boost the community in our MMOs, and competition is a natural element of our favorite games anyway, so why not combine the two? This type of community-based event showcasing the beauty of in-game graphics tends to be something that can most effectively be done in an MMO, and works quite well as a distraction from the typical killing, looting and questing.So are these in-game character beauty contests an extension of roleplaying, or are they focused more on the competitive aspect? Do you think they're trying to over-compensate for real-world qualities as a form of escapism? Are they simply good-natured fun, and a way to pass the time? Regardless of the reason, they're becoming more popular with each new MMO. In fact, we anticipate one of these in Age of Conan very soon.What becomes even more fascinating though is the conversion from in-game character beauty contests to real-world costume contests. Many players are willing to take it that extra mile for the love of their game, and this certainly isn't a new phenomenon. We've seen this for decades with Star Trek and Star Wars conventions, but are MMOs replacing this type of event?Check out the gallery below for a walk down the runway of MMO fashion shows.%Gallery-22997%