

  • How is Lunar Festival going for you?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Lunar Festival has been ongoing for awhile now, and still has about a week left. It's one of the longer holidays in Azeroth, so there's ample time to complete all of your achievements or just experience the seasonal content. Despite that... well, I haven't done any of it yet. All the time in the world, and I'll probably be running around trying to get it done the night before everything disappears until next year, just for completion's sake.Achievements are all fine and good, but I'm having a hard time getting up and doing things with this holiday. It's unusual, because it was one of the first holidays that I was genuinely interested in back when they implemented it. It was fun hunting down all of the coins and getting the cool clothes and vanity items, but now? Not really diggin' it. Sure, the first time was fun, but the holiday hasn't really changed since then. There are some new Elders in Northrend, but that doesn't really count, does it?How is the holiday going for all of you guys, though? I suspect some of you are in the same spot as me, but I know a lot of people are super excited about doing all of it as well. Have you finished your achievements? Working on them slow and steady? Not going to bother?

  • How many OTHER outfits do you have?

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Fellow blogger Adam Holisky covered the vast myriad of outfits that raiders and hybrids need to do their jobs recently, and it got me to thinking. I certainly know how that goes, as a feral druid, I carry 3 and half outfits on me at all times, and I still occasionally find a spare piece of Molten Core fire resistance gear I forgot to destroy when the expansion hit. But there's other outfits I have too. My Warlock still keeps around his Silver-thread gear, because It looks pretty spiffy. My Hunter has a full set of Defias leather, because black leather is sort of an awesome look. My Druid has his old Tier 1 and Tier 2 sets because they make him look like a proper Archdruid for Roleplay events. I have Winter Clothing, Lunar Festival dresses and suits, Lovely Red Dresses, even an Easter Dress scattered about among my characters. Some of my 70s have Grayson's Torch keeping a spot in their bank just in case I ever need to join an angry mob. My Shaman still keeps his Stillpine Defender around because it's the perfect Witch Doctor shield. Even if he is a Draenei rather than a Troll. I mean, I don't even wear have this stuff more than once every 2 months, but I can't bring myself to throw it away! It looks too cool. So as much as I sometimes complain about bank space, I have to admit that some of the fault is mine. Sometimes I can't get rid of things even when they have no direct gameplay value. You will never make me throw away my Sang'thraze, never never never! So what about you? Do you have outfits or quest items or other things you just refuse to throw away, be it for looks or sentimental value? If you have full outfits like me, do you ever actually get to wear them?