

  • Transformers Universe introduces Macro and Firebreaker

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Jagex hopes to add "diversity" to Transformers Universe's character roster with the addition of two new warriors announced today: Macro and Firebreaker. Macro, in his warrior form, carries a heavy broadsword for up close melee combat which he wields like a chivalrous knight. In addition, his shield dome cloaks all allies within its boundaries, removing them from enemy line of sight for a limited time. At the other end of the spectrum, Firebreaker is the first Decepticon in Transformers Universe to feature cloaking capabilities. Sacrificing his shield meter he can extend the duration of the cloak, and can also unleash a computer virus on himself that will devastate the first Autobot he comes into contact with. The studio says over 700,000 players have participated in beta so far. Videos for both characters are embedded below.

  • Jailbreakers unearth hidden panorama mode in iOS 5 camera app

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Somewhere deep within the bowels of iOS 5 lurks a panoramic camera function, and hacker Conrad Kramer has unlocked it. The trick, according to Kramer (AKA Conradev), is to set the "EnableFirebreak" key to "Yes" within an iOS preference file. Alternatively, you could just grab fellow hacker Grant Paul's Firebreak tweak, which just hit the Cydia storefront this morning. Once installed on your jailbroken phone, Firebreak will allow you to take full panoramic shots directly from the iOS interface, as pictured above in Paul's screenshot. No word yet on if or when Apple plans on flipping this function live, but in the meantime, you can check out the links below for more details. [Thanks, Charlie]