

  • Firefall's new eSports Toolkit allows better viewing of matches

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    Red 5 Studios knows that it's not always just about playing Firefall -- it's also about watching matches. Whether you want to check out your friends as they battle in the upcoming free-to-play shooter or you want to get a good look at your competition, the new eSports Toolkit will allow spectators to see the action as it unfolds. It also gives shoutcasters various tools to enhance their broadcasts. Spectators will be able to watch matches in observer mode in which viewers can utilize an assortment of static cameras, follow players, or even check out the whole map and get a bird's-eye view. Viewers have the added bonus of being able to pause, rewind, fast-forward, and even watch the action in slow motion. Shoutcasters enjoy extra features in the broadcast mode, which will allow for free-flight across the map, the ability to access and display player stats, and the ability to switch between multiple camera views to highlight the best action. Together, these features will improve the spectator's overall experience. The eSports Toolkit will be featured at the Firefall beta tournament at Gamescom 2012. For a preview of the different modes, check out the video after the break. [Source: Red 5 Studios press release]