

  • More for Mourinho wannabes in Football Manager 2015 next month

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    For almost quarter of a century Sports Interactive has pumped out yearly soccer management sims, first across the Championship Manager series, then after the Eidos split with Football Manager. So it says plenty that the UK studio can produce an extensive half-hour video going into some - not all - of the new features in latest iteration Football Manager 2015, which Sega just announced hits Steam (for PC, Mac and Linux) and Euro retail shelves on November 7. If you've got 27 minutes spare you can check the vid below the break. But to summarize, SI says returning players can expect a much-overhauled user interface with a left-hand side bar designed to be neater and quicker to navigate. Also, users can choose to spend more time on the training ground as a "tracksuit manager," - the kind you see huffing and puffing alongside athletes half their age - or a more thoughtful, tactical type.