

  • The Road to Mordor: Vol III, Book 1 test realm notes analyzed

    Every Friday, the Road to Mordor brings you the latest in Lord of the Rings Online news, guides and analysis. Turbine's Lord of the Ring's Online has just announced the Volume III, Book 1: Oath of the Rangers free content expansion and the patch is already up on their test server, Bullroarer. And with a test patch, comes patch notes. I have to give the normal disclaimers about test notes changing before going live, but given that, let's dig in. Two highlights are listed in the notes right off the bat with little explanation other than a promise of a dev diary to come at a future date. Those two new changes are: Duo mode now available in Skirmishes Extensive changes to the original Shadows of Angmar Volume I epic quest line Players have been gimping the Small Fellowship (3-man) system by significantly dropping the level of the mobs when creating their Skirmish. That costs them Skirmish marks. Hopefully the new system will fix that. The changes to the original epic quest line are probably to make it more solo friendly. It's very hard to complete it now that most players have leveled past it. If you are new to the game, you are probably begging higher level guild members to help you or skipping it altogether. Skipping it, though, is cheating yourself out of some of the best lore-based content in the game. I hope Turbine is changing it to make it more accessible for newer players who don't have access to groups at their level. New level 64 player skills, Skirmish changes and new crafting after the jump!

    Dan O'Halloran