

  • Futurama "Windows 3000" joke

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    It's no secret that Matt Groening is an Apple fan, as plenty of references and jokes have made their way into episodes of his Simpsons and Futurama shows. While watching my favorite segment of TV last night - [adult swim] - I thought a Futurama episode (titled "Bendin' in the Wind") cracked a nice knee-slap of a joke on Windows. Sure, the episode might have originally aired way back in 2001, but this is the first time I've ever caught the joke - sue me.A clown robot visits a mangled, hospitalized Bender and tries telling a few jokes to cheer him up. One is: "Did you hear why they're using Windows 3000 as a prison guard? Because it always locks up!" Cute.

  • Widget Watch: Frylock

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Today's widget is only 90% useless. Frylock is a Konfabulator Yahoo! Widgets Engine widget that floats your favorite box of animated French fries around your desktop in that unique, Frylock fashion. You can even configure it to launch the application of your choice when double-clicked. See? It's mildly amusing and kind of useful. I'd like it even better if it included some audio clips, but beggars can't be choosers. Round out your collection of animation-based widgets with this Futurama collection as well as these from Family Guy.