

  • PhotoFast G-Monster-Promise PCIe SSD does 1000MB/s read and writes

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Just a month after dropping the 750MB/s G-Monster PCIe SSD RAID card on us, PhotoFast is back with the G-Monster Promise, which jacks read / write speeds to 1000MB/s. Not the fastest we've ever seen, but we'll take it. It'll be available sometime this month in Japan in sizes from 128GB to 1TB -- just make sure you've save a lot of pennies, cause it ain't gonna be cheap.Update: Our friends at Engadget Japan have chimed in to tell us they're on sale in the Akihabara district to the tune of USD $1,600 for 128GB, $2,000 for 512GB, and a whopping $4,500 for the 1TB model. [Via PCLaunches]