gamer babies


  • Show and Tell: Gamer babies in the house

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We're not sure children really count as gaming gear, but who are we to define the boundaries of a parent's love? Don't worry, Elmer, we're just kidding -- we absolutely approve of your sending us this picture of your twin daughters, which is why we've chosen to feature them in our first edition of Show and Tell. These little dolls are only a year and a half old, and they've already mastered the art of wrangling the handhelds away from their parents ... and from those looks of intense concentration, they're already on their way to becoming serious gamers. The proud papa even sent us a video -- you can check it out after the jump. And just remember, you too can be in this spot, with everyone cooing over your awesome game-related photos and swag. Just take some pictures and send them to showmeit at dsfanboy dot com, and we'll take care of the rest. We've gotten lots of great submissions so far, but we always want more. Thanks again to Elmer and his lovely daughters!