

  • Confessions of an MMO addict

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Gaming addiction is a sensitive subject with many gamers, and we'd imagine that many people who are reading this right now may have or have had concerns about their own level of gaming addition at some point. In a recent blog post over at, Blackwings takes a look at some of the warning signs and experiences he's had himself with MMO addiction.The subject has been discussed to death on so many different levels, but when someone can cite their own experiences, it always brings the truth a bit too close for comfort. Plus, Blackwings says that he wrote this post in anticipation of next week's Warhammer Online release, just to get out one last warning on the evils of MMO addition. This post does a good job of letting you know what to watch out for, without beating you over the head with the guilt stick. It's certainly something to think about.