gaming showcase


  • Nintendo returning to CES after a 16-year absence

    If there's one event that's immune to being overhyped, it's the annual January expo of everything consumer electronics, known to you and us as CES. The only downer to this geek endurance test is that we've felt it's been lacking a little on the gaming front lately, which is why we're so giddy to hear the news that Nintendo will be rejoining the ranks of exhibitors over in Las Vegas in a few weeks' time. CES 2011 will be the first time in 16 years that the console sales leader has deigned to pitch up a stand at America's biggest tech show, with our suspicion being that the event will be used as an opportunity to remind the world about the upcoming 3DS handheld. Or to drop that Wii HD bombshell we've all been waiting for. Yeah, right!

    Vlad Savov
  • Nintendo returning to CES for 2011's 'Gaming Showcase'

    The last time Nintendo exhibited at the Consumer Electronics Show, it presented graphical demos for its new "Project Reality," a joint project with Silicon Graphics -- a project that we now know as the Nintendo 64. That was in 1994. After that 16-year absence, Nintendo is returning to a CES more likely to be full of iPads than Newtons, and with Sega a happy partner instead of a bitter enemy. Though CES organizers didn't announce exactly what Nintendo would be exhibiting at the 2011 CES "Gaming Showcase," it seems likely that Nintendo chose this venue, which features "the latest gaming technology advancements," to show off its new consumer electronics device, the 3DS. Its 3D display will fit right in among the masses of gadgets shown off at the expo. [Thanks, Tyler. Image credit: CEA]

    JC Fletcher
  • CES 2010's Gaming Showcase to have more showcase, not much more gaming

    From the on-site report of last year's Gaming Showcase at the Consumer Electronics Show, it wouldn't take anything more than two video games to dramatically expand upon what was previously available in the dedicated games area. And despite the Consumer Electronics Organization' announcement of double the floor space for the Showcase, only one game is named specifically as a feature: Lego Universe. The PC Gaming Alliance will be there, and Microsoft and Sony should be showing games in their own respective areas, but the exhibitor list for the Gaming Showcase focuses almost entirely on peripherals, middleware, hardware, and other things that aren't games. But there will be a lot of space for you to try out Wii controller shells, DDR mats and chairs with speakers in them! CES takes place in Las Vegas from January 7-10 and, as always, Joystiq will be reporting from there with the latest, breaking news on games you control with your mind.

    JC Fletcher