

  • Garrisons 101: What are Work Orders?

    Adam Koebel
    Adam Koebel

    Most buildings in your garrison are capable of placing work orders. In simplest terms, a work order is exchanging one type of resource (such as ore or herbs) for a more valuable resource used for crafting (such as Gearspring Parts or Truesteel Ingots). Work order basics Work orders take basic materials such as herbs or ore and convert them into high quality crafting materials. To start a work order, you interact with NPCs at your garrison buildings. Work orders take 4 hours to complete each. You can queue up additional work orders so you don't have to babysit your garrison quite so often. Level 1 buildings can queue up to 7 work orders. Level 2 buildings can queue up to 14 work orders. Level 3 buildings can queue up to 21 work orders. The Storehouse building can increase your total queue of work orders by up to 15 more. With a level 3 Storehouse, you could queue up to 6 days of work orders without having to come back and start more. Completed work orders must be picked up at the building they were placed (it will show up as a lootable crate, as seen in the image above). Assigning a follower to a profession building (the follower must have a trait for that particular profession) has a chance to increase the yield of work orders. This follower is then unavailable for missions for the duration.

  • Garrisons 101: What are Strategic Assaults?

    Adam Koebel
    Adam Koebel

    Strategic assaults are max level daily quests found within your garrison's Town Hall/Great Hall. You get to choose between one of two options every day -- a solo quest, group quest, or PvP quest. It appears that a solo quest will always be one of the two options. These quests are your primary means of obtaining Apexis Crystals -- 800 for the solo quests and 1000 for the group/PvP quests. Apexis Crystals are primarily used to purchase and upgrade armor but can also be used to purchase pets and mounts from certain reputation vendors. Each zone in Draenor has level 100 areas to facilitate these quests. The quests involve going to the designated area and filling up a progress bar by killing mobs and interacting with objects. They are fairly time consuming, but the advantage is only having to do one large quest instead of many smaller quests. Don't worry, completing a single strategic assault is nowhere near the time commitment of patch 5.0 dailies. This will be a 20-30 minute venture for the average player.