george carlin


  • A man with white hair holding a mic.

    George Carlin's estate settles lawsuit against podcasters' AI comedy special

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    George Carlin's estate sued Dudesy over a comedy special that used a facsimile of the late comedian created by training an AI algorithm on his work.

  • George Carlin holds a microphone and eyeballs the crowd in a questioning manner in the middle of doing a bit on stage in the 1970s.

    George Carlin's estate sues over AI-generated comedy special

    Lawrence Bonk
    Lawrence Bonk

    George Carlin’s estate has filed a lawsuit against the makers of an hour-long comedy special featuring a version of the comedian made with artificial intelligence. The estate says the video-makers stole "a great American artist’s work."

  • The Mog Log: The collective jealous community glance

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's a hard time to be playing Final Fantasy XI. On the one hand, it ought to be a great time -- a lot of neat features were included with the June version update (several of which I waxed poetic about in the recent developer tour), and there's quite a roadmap for the months ahead. But that roadmap also has an enormous bump that's shaped like a 14... specifically, Final Fantasy XIV. Or maybe it's just me. All I know is that the next thousand-plus hours can't pass quickly enough. (Although Going Rogue should really take the edge off.) But this column isn't just about me and my hangups -- it's about the community. It's especially about community this week, as we're taking a look at all of the insanity running through various discussions far and wide. Square certainly has given us plenty to talk about over the past month, whether you're avidly playing Final Fantasy XI or just looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV. So let's look at some noteworthy threads while I stare longingly at the promised game.

  • Readers pick best webcomic: Waiting

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Eliciting over 100 comments for the post, Scott Ramsoomair's "Waiting" VG Cats comic was certainly one of the more debated wins of the webcomic wrapup series.Second and third place both go to 2P Start ("A Different Directive" and "Goomba vs. Roomba", respectively -- remember, we want you to vote for individual strips and not the webcomic series itself). A special nod goes to Monday Night Crew's George Carlin tribute. Thanks to everyone who voted and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • iTunes remembers George Carlin

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Of all the things said about George Carlin over the past few days, I like what Jon Stewart said on the Daily Show most: he's getting awfully tired of people who we need leaving us. But as Stewart also said, the good thing about Carlin is that he left us "hours and hours of video." iTunes has posted a page of George Carlin's famous standup to honor a comedian that I and many, many other comedy fans looked up to for laughter and inspiration.If you need a place to start, the "seven dirty words" monologue is probably the most famous, but Carlin often said that his favorite performance was the "Jammin' in New York" show -- he said it was the first time he'd done longer pieces, and talked about stuff that he really put his heart into (it's actually the show that was used for the Moment of Zen on the Daily Show). Definitely a great listen.Of course, it's probably not quite right that iTunes' system automatically listed "Concert Tickets" as an option on the page. But in the world that Carlin worked his whole life to show us, big companies doing stupid things is nothing new.Thanks, Steve!