gerald cotten


  • Text reading "A Netflix Documentary. Trust No One: The Hunt For The Crypto King" laid over an image of a person wearing shat appears to be a bear mask.

    Netflix is making a documentary about the QuadrigaCX Bitcoin saga

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    When founder Gerald Cotten died in 2018, hundreds of millions in crypto assets allegedly became inaccessible.

  • QuadrigaCX

    QuadrigaCX's missing millions is the messiest Bitcoin saga yet

    Daniel Cooper
    Daniel Cooper

    If there's one thing the internet excels at, it's helping people forget the rules of Occam's razor. For many, there are usually no simple explanations for anything, and everything is a signpost to a grand conspiracy to do others harm. In the wake of one man's death, people on the internet have indulged their worst instincts, although what's worse is that this time, they might have a point. QuadrigaCX was one of Canada's largest Bitcoin exchanges, controlling assets believed to be worth around $200 million CAD. Unfortunately, Gerald Cotten, its co-founder and CEO, passed away in December 2018. Cotten was the only one who could access the company funds, leaving it unable to pay its creditors.