

  • Behind the Mask: The perfect ten

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    I neglected to mention a few weeks ago (two weeks ago, actually) a very important event: Behind the Mask had its one year anniversary in the end of March, and I intended to do something special. Although we could do something boring like recap the journey of my first year of Champions Online or something, that doesn't really sound like much fun to me. I've had some good times playing CO since I started writing for Massively, but CO is a themepark, so my summary would be something like, "I roleplayed a lot." Sure, I have a few high-level characters, but I probably wouldn't have had as much fun playing CO if not for roleplaying and the social landscape of the game. If you're a long-time reader of this column, you know I complain a lot about Champions. In some respects, that shows I'm invested in the game, and I really care about whether it succeeds. On the other hand, it also means that sometimes my column carries some bias. In true Behind the Mask-fashion, here is the real summary of my last year of playing CO. If you read my rants about roleplayers, this should be familiar ground.

  • Behind the Mask: Play nice with others

    Patrick Mackey
    Patrick Mackey

    If there's one thing everyone here at Massively enjoys, it's playing MMORPGs with other people. Teaming with people makes almost anything fun. I have friends who play EVE who somehow claim that even mining can be fun, if done with friends. Unfortunately, Champions Online has a big problem with team play. It's hard for a team to share objectives, and the rewards for teaming are otherwise horrible. It feels a bit like World of Warcraft, yet much worse. WoW has real incentive to get into teams and run instances at the lower levels, and although many of these dungeons are skippable, WoW's focus on loot advancement encourages players to team up and get the best stuff they can use at any given level. This is just not true for CO. Many players just skip lairs entirely, even though lairs give great rewards. There are no "random missions" like there are in City of Heroes, either. Still, lairs are fun, because you get to play with other people.