

  • New video showcases EverQuest II: Age of Discovery's mercenary system

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    In the new promotional trailer for EverQuest II's Age of Discovery expansion, poor Gnoob the gnaked Gnome just can't win. Maybe if he were smart enough to spell his name properly, he might not get mauled by the same wolf over and over. After learning that maybe a naked Gnome isn't quite suited to square off against a hungry wolf, Gnoob takes it upon himself to hire an Ogre mercenary (though you'd think if he could afford a mercenary, he could afford some clothes), but even that doesn't go quite right. It just goes to show you that the mercenary system, coming to EverQuest II with Age of Discovery, should be used with discretion. For the full video, follow on past the cut.

  • Shirtless gnome action in Gnoob video from Everquest II

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    More often than not, advertising MMOs is a fairly serious business, insofar as you're appealing to the dramatic side of players. After all, if most of us knew we were signing up for one quest to slay a dragon and ninety-nine to slay several rats, we might have opted out. But EverQuest II's recent video gives us a taste of something less in the realm of "serious" and more in the realm of "bizarre." We'd give a full disclosure, but the video is just 30 seconds long and safe for work (unless your employer looks at you oddly about shirtless gnomes). Though the video is meant to highlight the game's 14-day trial, it also reminds any gamer of a very important lesson when it comes to an MMO -- namely, bad things happen when you stop paying attention. You'll be able to get at least a chuckle out of the video whether or not you play EverQuest II.