Gods of Gaming


  • Start your TiVos: Game designer's roundtable on MTV2

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Back in May, MTV News' Stephen Totilo produced a game designer's roundtable featuring four prominent game designers -- Harvey Smith (aka Witchboy; Deus Ex), Will Wright (The Sims), David Jaffe (God of War), and Cliff Bleszinski (aka CliffyB; Gears of War) -- that MTV decided (in their infinite wisdom) was not worthy of full television exposure. Instead, they opted to run an edited version and stick the full program on their PC-only Overdrive site. Thankfully, they've had a change of heart and have decided to run the entire special on MTV2 beginning tonight. Kudos to MTV for filling an entire slot with four white guys talking about video games in an art gallery. G4 seems to be of the mind that there's no audience for smart programming about video games. Get going, it starts in thirty minutes! It's late notice, we know, but you'll be able to set the old TiVo (or VCR ... yuck) to make the best out of cable television's tendency to repeat programming. A lot. Note to MTV: more quality gaming coverage, less Punk'd reruns, k? Sat 08/19@6:30PM Sun 08/19@12:30AM Mon 08/19@10:30AM Wed 08/19@3:00AM Thu 08/19@3:00PM Fri 08/19@10:00AM Read - MTV News Presents: Gods of Gaming schedule