

  • Where to reel in Pandaria's delicious fish

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    There are a few purposes for fish in Mists of Pandaria. You can cook them to eat for a Well Fed buff or to give to a Tillers NPC for personal reputation. There's a fish for alchemy oils and even the "vendor fish" this expansion is pretty useful. You can bag extra stacks of fish together for a currency. The catch is (pun intended) that many raiders aren't used to fishing their own Well Fed buffs. This leads to many questions on where to find which fish. Jump behind the cut and I'll summarize for you the pools and catch rates of open water fishing in Pandaria.

  • Level cooking from one to Zen with Sungshin Ironpaw

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    At first, I thought it was just a beta feature -- a way to get everyone's cooking up to the level where the new Ways could be tested. But as time went on and news appeared of updates to the leveling processes for inscription and cooking, I grew happy at the prospect of not having to wait until November to level every alt's cooking skill. Sungshin Ironpaw stands at Halfhill Market, right across from the Halfhill flightpoint, in the Valley of the Four Winds on Pandaria's continent. A toon must be 85 or higher to start the quest for Zen Master cooking skill (525-600 skill). Sungshin has a full set from 1 to 525 skill of pandaren dishes, most of which use ingredients sold by her. You will have to bring some fish and couple pieces of meat yourself, but by and large you can buy and cook your way to 525 without moving, since Sungshin is standing next to a cooking pot!