google eye


  • Google's Project Glass prototypes can transfer still images, do little else

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    This was probably a given, but there won't be any freakishly detailed social profile overlay as you pass strangers on the street in the initial iteration of "Google Glasses." Instead, current prototype functionality includes features like photo sharing (directly from the eyewear to Google+), and... well, that could be it. The in-your-face functionality that we saw in the original Google teaser could come "one day," as the video title itself reveals, but we certainly won't be creepin' on random friends-to-be on sidewalks, trains and parties for some time to come. And just in case you're curious to see what you won't be doing with Project Glass this year, Google's original teaser is after the break, with a popular parody vid tossed in below for good measure.

  • Google co-founder Sergey Brin spotted wearing Project Glass prototype IRL

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Wondering what it might be like to sport Google's Project Glass augmented reality HUD in your daily life? It would appear company co-founder Sergey Brin already knows, as he was spotted by tech pundits Robert Scoble and Thomas Hawk rocking a prototype at a Dining in the Dark charity event for the Foundation Fighting Blindness. Scoble has already posted a couple of pictures with Brin on Google+, mentioning more photos would be forthcoming from Hawk after the event concluded and that he'd heard other people, including Google exec Vic Gundotra, have the devices already. For now he mentions the glasses appeared to be "self contained" and that he could see a blueish light flashing on Brin's eyes. Hit the source link for more pics and details, we'll let you know if we find out more later -- details on where to snag a set may remain confidential until we've had a chance to try them on first, of course.