google plugin


  • Sweet 360 Google plugin: GooMGC 2.0

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    360 Fanboy reader Yves De Pryck has completed GooMGC version 2.0. For those that don't know, GooMGC is a Google homepage plugin that helps Live members keep track of all sorts of information. The plugin displays your GamerCard -- in a plethora of styles, via -- as well as the GamerCards of 16 of your closest friends. Also included is a Gamerscore reference chart so you can track your exploits. And if that's not enough for you, the plugin also houses a handy MS Points converter in a variety of currencies. Just stick this puppy next to your Google reader -- tuned to the 360 Fanboy RSS, of course -- and you've got yourself a one stop shop for all of your 360 needs. Go get it and tell us what you think.