

  • Google News Archives stops digitizing old newspapers, picks great day to do it

    Ain't like you'll be reading 'em anyway after today's over.

    Darren Murph
  • Google adds News Near You, reminds you that it's always watching

    We can't say location-based services have the best reputation right now, but Google continues to crank them out regardless. The search giant introduced "News Near You," a feature that lets you search for news stories that are based around your current position. After pointing your Android or Safari browser to Google's news page and agreeing to reveal your locale, you'll find these customized stories in its own special category. We tried out the site for ourselves, and within a few seconds we were discovering new and wonderful things in our own neck of the woods. You can check it out, too, provided you don't mind Mountain View knowing exactly which bit of woods your neck happens to reside. [Thanks, vivek]

    Brad Molen
  • HP Photosmart eStation C510 printer / Android tablet now on sale

    An HP Slate it isn't, but if you plop down $399.99 for the eStation C510, you'll also bring home a detachable 7-inch Android 2.1 tablet that's designed to act as a "wireless digital companion and control panel for remote printing." We'll point you to the source link if you're actually interested in the printer specs, and you can head right over here for a hands-on preview of the (admittedly lackluster) tablet. But do us a favor -- don't buy this thing for the slate alone, okay? Okay.

    Darren Murph
  • HP's Photosmart eStation Android tablet hands-on (update: video!)

    So here it is, after months of details coming to light an inkdrop at a time, the HP eStation all-in-one printing solution. But we're not gonna dwell but on half of that: the 7-inch tablet skinned out by Yahoo and powered by Android 2.1. As we expected, though, the Google experience is decidedly less that you're accustomed to: search is Yahoo only, and our attempt to find an alternate method was met with a barebones settings menu (search via the browser page still works). Additionally, there is no access to Android Market, relegating your customization instead to HP's print-heavy app store -- sorry, no games, as that's not what the company wants to focus on here, according to the rep. That also means no native Gmail, much to our dismay. What Yahoo has provided is a suite of apps and widgets that actually work well in their simplicity, from weather to stocks and search. We were reminded at numerous points that this is a prototype build, and for good reason -- the responsiveness was questionably slow, especially in the browser. That said, the Nook store and e-reading app was as fluid as you'd ever need. WiFi is equipped on both the tablet and the printer for cloud-based connectivity on the go. Battery life is measured at four to six hours, and Android 2.2 is expected by holiday still sans Market, but beyond Flash (and at this point we question its performance on this hardware), there's probably not a lot of value-add in the update. Expect this AIO to be shipping the in the next few weeks. %Gallery-102780%

    Ross Miller
  • Acer to launch first Chrome OS netbook, Android-based Aspire One sales disappoint

    Acer loves it some Google. And unless Google's trying to stamp out your revenue stream, who doesn't? Now Acer chairman, JT Wang, says that he expects to be first to market with an official Chrome OS netbook -- sometime in the second half of 2010 according to DigiTimes' sources. In fact, JT says that Acer's been working on a Chrome OS device since mid-2009. This despite admittedly weaker than expected demand for its dual-boot Android netbook, the Aspire One AOD250. Guess even the Google halo isn't enough to shoehorn its smartphone OS into a market dominating position on cheap ultra-portables. It's worth pointing out that DigiTimes' moles aren't saying anything new with the launch time-frame since Google's target for its gold Chrome OS build has been 2H of 2010 ever since the lightweight OS was announced. Not that the timing matters too much since we'll likely be seeing plenty of Chromium OS netbooks flooding the grey market long before the second half of 2010.

    Thomas Ricker
  • Google revamps mobile Google News format

    Like most "mobile versions" of websites, Google News was simplified for use on devices featuring what Steve Jobs once called "the baby Internet." Sadly, this simplified version also showed up by default on the iPhone, leading to an experience that was, to put it charitably, subpar. That's all changed now that Google has redesigned the mobile version of Google News for iPhone, Android, and Palm Pre users. The new mobile version is far more feature-rich than the old one and is more consistent in its appearance (i.e., it's almost indistinguishable from the desktop version) compared to the old "mobile-optimized" Google News. It also includes a handy "Jump to" link which brings up a window that allows you to skip to the news section of your choice, saving your thumbs from severe scroll fatigue. There's no need to download anything. Simply go to Google News on your iPhone and check out the changes. [Via MacRumors]

    Chris Rawson