

  • Welcome to Google's NYC home

    Nathan Ingraham
    Nathan Ingraham

    Google has made minimal forays into real-world retail shops thus far. There's a good reason for that: The company has long been more focused on software than hardware. That's slowly changing, but Google went all-in on its own hardware brand when it announced the new Pixel smartphones, Google Home, Daydream VR headset and Google WiFi router earlier this month. For most consumers, buying hardware sight-unseen is still a tough proposition, so Google is finally making it easier for consumers to check out all its new gadgets -- in New York City, at least. The company's pop-up retail location opened its doors this morning, and while it wasn't exactly an iPhone-level stampede, there were a couple dozen people waiting to get in when it opened. A steady stream of passers-by came through in the hour I spent at the store.