

  • Breakfast Topic: What's the best-looking spell effect in game?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Let's face it -- some spells have it and some spells don't. With all the excitement surrounding the potential for warlocks to get some kick-ass green fire in Mists, I thought it was about time to start thinking through what were some of the most awesome-looking spell effects in the game right now, before warlocks start stealing all the thunder. I'm not even going to start talking about that glyph that makes your Dreadsteed run on water! Anyway, glyph envy aside, let's consider the contenders. The header image is a pretty good clue here -- I love the look of a Frostfire Bolt! The blue frostbolt encased in fire is a seriously lovely effect. But I do think there are other abilities that rank very high. Penance, for example, has a really cool-looking effect. The bolt itself isn't that amazing, but the way it makes those spiralling paths toward its target is very pretty indeed. I also think priests have a damn fine Divine Aegis bubble right now. What else? Well, Chaos Bolt looks great. That little face -- I love it! I sense melee players are feeling rather unloved. Hmmm, tricky. I do think the paladin Avenging Wrath wings are pretty sweet, especially when coupled with a Badge of Dominance's red effect. A cool effect doesn't have to be a traveling effect, of course, and I think the DK Anti-Magic Zone looks pretty great too. I remain undecided about my favorite, although I am leaning toward the Frostfire Bolt. (There's a reason it's in the header, after all.) So persuade me! Throw your vote into the ring. Do you agree with me, or am I completely wrong? I'm often completely wrong, you know. It happens a lot. What's your choice for the best-looking spell effect in WoW?

  • Warlock green fire spells spotted in MoP beta files

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    Green fire is coming, again! Maybe. Side effects of speculation may vary. Not only has the Codex shown up in recent datamining, but curiously also warlock spells with green fire as icons. Conflagrate, Fel Hellfire, Rain of Chaos, and Fel Immolate all have minimal descriptions and could very well be just creature or boss spells. But Fel Incinerate gives me hope, for it has not only the range and cast time, but the base mana that the real warlock Incinerate does. What boss would need to know the base mana cost, hmm? After the original flurry of excitement, Wryxian noted in the subsequent denial of green fire implementation that the devs wanted green fire "to be an epic accomplishment" for players. With the beta appearance of The Legacy of the Masters (Part 1), players are speculating among other things about a Quel'Delar-like quest line again. In the end, nothing might happen and green fire will stay unfulfilled on our warlock wish lists. But I for one haven't been so excited since I got my Dreadsteed the old way. It's open warfare between Alliance and Horde in Mists of Pandaria, World of Warcraft's next expansion. Jump into five new levels with new talents and class mechanics, try the new monk class, and create a pandaren character to ally with either Horde or Alliance. Look for expansion basics in our Mists FAQ, or dig into our spring press event coverage for more details!

  • Blood Pact: Don't sell your soul for a warlock tanking spec quite yet

    Megan O'Neill
    Megan O'Neill

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Blood Pact for affliction, demonology, and destruction warlocks. Today, Megan O'Neill is your host, and she wants to remind Matticus that warlock fire cannot be rainbow-colored in Mists of Pandaria, else we'd kill all our wild imps that we summon. Everyone's excited about the warlock tanking glyph for demonology. I'm cautiously excited. It's one of those things we warlocks always put on our wish lists, alongside green fire and warlock flying mounts. While we still wait on the flying mount, EU CM Wryxian noted that green fire might be in the works! As soon as I saw the glyphs that change cosmetic things like the felguard's weapon or the color of a bear's fur, I went hunting in the datamines for green fire. I didn't see one, but Wryxian says there's "hope" that we'll get a quest for green fire. I do hope it involves Gorzeeki Wildeyes or Mor'zul Bloodbringer as a throwback to the old Dreadsteed epic mount quest chain. I'm also aware that this is beta, and betas are for testing things, not for setting things in stone. Like Wryxian's statement about fel fire coloring, things can and will change. I want to be realistic about demo tanking. I don't want the hype surrounding warlock-style tanking to lead to disappointment. Looking at some of warlock and tanking mechanical history, I have some major caveats that Blizzard would need to address if warlocks are to become tanks.