

  • The Guild Counsel: Five essentials of guild management

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    We've seen a recent wave of new MMOs launch, and in just a few more weeks, we'll probably see the launch of one of the most anticipated titles of the year, Guild Wars 2. That, along with the upcoming launch of World of Warcraft's expansion, means there will be many new guilds springing up, some of which will be headed by brand-new guild leaders. Everyone wants a roster full of happy pandas, but sometimes that's easier said than done. There are lots of issues to deal with when it comes to running a guild, and there's a lot of nuance that factors into whether a guild is successful in the long run. We've looked at many of them in this column, but in this week's Guild Counsel, we'll highlight five of the essentials that must be considered when you're leading a guild.