

  • Entering the raiding scene (or) How the Elune realm hates me

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    It's an interesting thing, but the more you want something, sometimes the harder it is to get. Take raiding for instance. A while back I decided that casual gaming wasn't getting me where I wanted to go. I really wanted to see the whole game, and that meant raiding. I got myself into a raiding guild, which then proceeded to implode, and then on a whim applied to a friend's amazing guild, full of intimidatingly impressive members, and somehow, by sheer luck, I was accepted. They said it was based on my personality, and so once again I'm one of those "girls with a good personality" only this time it's not a bad thing.

  • Guildless: The saga continues

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    As you might remember, I made the decision a while back to try my hand at raiding, and for the first time ever /gquit. It was with a heavy heart that I applied to a friend's raiding guild, one that had previously accepted a few of my guild's members that wanted to get into raiding. It took a couple of weeks to be accepted in, mostly because my gear was so very shoddy in comparison, and they were looking toward TK and SSC. In addition to that, I had a friend in the guild who was fighting on my behalf with the guild master, and just about the time that talks opened up between the three of us, I shipped off to BlizzCon.So I came back from the convention with an absolute burning desire to play again, something I haven't had for a good long while. I messaged the Guild Master, eager to know the results of her discussions with the other officers. No answer. I messaged my friend, and was given the run around. Just about the time I thought I better throw in the towel, my answer came. It came in the form of a guild invite. I had managed to weasel my way in.

  • Guildless

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Our little guild has been steadily losing members and momentum for a while now. It's not new, this is the sort of thing that happens to guilds, but what is new is my reaction to it. I searched hard within myself for what problems I felt I was having with the game, and came to the conclusion that I want to raid. Now, I've been on various raids as PUGs or in alliances before the expansion came out. I got a chance to see most of Zul'Gurub and to wrench a couple of pieces of Arcanist Regalia out of Molten Core. This taste of raiding gave me an appetite for it, an appetite I thought would be satiated when our guild got enough people keyed for Karazhan. And we have, only they keep leaving because we're not raiding (ironic, don't you think) despite the fact that we set the runs and they just don't show.