

  • Waging WAR: The blame game

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    In this installment of Waging WAR, Greg flips the world all upside-down-like and examines the soft, warm underbelly of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. The PvE side. He holds a mirror to some of the questions he's found himself asking in bad situations involving mean, unforgiving bosses, and he shows us all how not to play The Blame Game. Oh, and HAPPY SECOND ANNIVERSARY, Warhammer Online!!! Ahem, we now return you to our regularly scheduled Waging WAR content. Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is primarily about the RvR. As such, we don't often discuss some of the things in the PvE instances throughout WAR that we've all experienced at least once (or at least most of us, anyway). Whether you're heading into Hunter's Vale in Tier 1, setting up for a boss in the Tomb of the Vulture Lord, or preparing for any number of instances in-between (I can name five major ones off the top of my head), we've all been there and done that. Things have inevitably gone south for all of us at least once. For some of us, things have gone south repeatedly, on the same boss, with the same group, in the same instance. Frustration and enmity start to set in, and people start wondering, "What is going on here?" What follows then is usually a series of questions tracing a certain pattern that we ask ourselves as we try to figure out what the problem is. I guess it is only human nature to enter into this type of internal dialogue when faced with problem solving in social situations. Follow after the break to see what I'm talking about.

  • Waging WAR: Finding the sandbox

    Greg Waller
    Greg Waller

    In this installment of Waging WAR, Greg takes a look at Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning from a few different angles and goes in search of the proverbial "sandbox" in a game that contains neither sand nor boxes. Somewhere along the line during my childhood, I developed a habit for playing games with nearly every game I've ever played. I can even remember a time in my early teens when I sat down with a few friends and collaborated on making our own version of battlechess. Pages of chicken-scratched rules and several dice results-tables later, and we were off and running for a solid week of the most entertaining chess matches I've ever played. Or there was that time with The Sims when I started creating experimental families and then leaving my computer on overnight and not interacting with them, just to see how successful they could be without my help. I could bore you for hours on end with examples of how I twisted the rules and made my own games from the games I've played. I suppose I can blame my penchant for metagaming on my early introduction to pen-and-paper roleplaying (i.e., D&D 1st Ed., to be specific). All I had was a sheet of paper, a handful of dice, a description of the world around me, and my imagination. By its very nature, PnP gaming is sandbox gaming. The reason I'm bringing this up now is that, until WAR, I had pretty much been able to "find the sandbox" in any MMO I was able to get my hands on. Whether it was building hardcore Dungeons & Dragons Online characters, roleplaying in City of Heroes, or achievement-chasing in World of Warcraft, I've never really been troubled with finding something to do when the grind started to wear me down. But now, with WAR, I'm finding most of my old tricks for MMO metagaming just aren't working. To read about what I've tried, and why it didn't work in WAR, follow along after the break.

  • The Warhammer Herald delves back into PvE dungeons

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The trusty Herald for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has once again delved back into the game's non-PvP content. Though WAR is built around the massive Realm vs. Realm systems developed by Mythic Entertainment, there are numerous Player vs. Environment options available to gamers who want something a little more traditional. This is actually the third of these guides to roll out to the Warhammer site. The first dealt with low-level treks like the Altdorf sewers and The Sacellum, while the second delved into mid-level dungeons probably very familiar to WAR veterans (Gunbad, Bastion Stair, etc.).This newest entry, then, tackles some of the highest-level instances in the game. Most of these in turn are actually connected to the aforementioned Realm vs. Realm systems, and are only accessible from within captured Capital cities. The exception is the Elven Lost Vale, a six-man level 40 encounter off the coast of Avelorn's coast. Otherwise dungeon rundown number three tackles locales in the Capitals like The Elysium, the Screaming Cat Tavern, and the two massive palaces the dominate the player cities. Read on into the piece for full details on these encounters.