

  • Fan makes his own Gunmetal PS3

    Why bother with Konami's ridiculously overpriced Metal Gear-themed Gunmetal PS3 when you can simply make one? That's the mentality PlayStation forum user dieselstation had when he did a very careful paint job on his PS3. If he has the 80GB model, he already has a system far superior to Konami's offering. Heck, it would be able to play the Metal Gear Solid games from the PS2 era. Good job, dieselstation!Check out more pictures here.

    Andrew Yoon
  • Gunmetal PS3 not ruled out for Europe

    If SCEE does plan on releasing the Gunmetal Metal Gear Solid 4 PS3 in Europe then they're leaving it a little late. Regardless, a European release may still be on the cards according to videogaming247, which states that their Sony contact is waiting on official word from On High. "I've asked if we're getting this but have yet to have an answer confirmed," said their Sony representative. If the Gunmetal PS3 is coming to Europe, why haven't we heard about it yet? One of the reasons might be the DualShock 3, which still doesn't have even a vague release date for Europe. Considering one of the big selling points of the MGS4 bundle is the new rumbling controller, announcing one without it would give Europe just another reason to be angry at how they're treated by the Video Game industry. There's no telling whether DualShock 3s will even be available separately in time for MGS4's June 12th release date. Here's hoping, though!

    Jem Alexander
  • 'Gunmetal Grey' PS3 MGS4 bundle coming to America (!)

    Metal Gear?! Such an exclamation will no doubt emanate from a friend's mouth as he steps into your extravagant living room and gazes upon a "Gunmetal Grey" PlayStation 3. Konami's Brandon Laurino has confirmed on the official PlayStation Blog that this "VERY, VERY Limited Edition" system will be available in North America as part of a special Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. You may recall caressing its steel-colored curves (in your mind) back when it was unveiled as the 40GB 'Hagane' model in Japan.Expect this Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle (not the only one) to arrive on the game's June 12th release date. Oh, and do invite us over so we can exclaim.[Via PS3 Fanboy]