

  • It came from the Blog: Join us for a Hallow's End Candy Run

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Lady Sylvanas's feet are on fire! There's only one thing to do: Run around and collect candy. Well, Murkablo's idea is to try to set my feet on fire, but that's his solution to everything. Anyway, here's what you need to know about the Candy Run: When: Sunday, Oct. 30 at 1 p.m. EDT (10 a.m. PDT, 11 a.m. server time) Where: Meet at Brill on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H) Who: Any level Horde character. If you're bringing a death knight, make sure you are approved by the Warchief before the event starts. How: Just ask any It came from the Blog member for an invite to the guild. What: We'll put out the Brill fires, then traverse the land on foot to collect candy. Protect the lowbies! When we get to high-level territory, we will probably continue via flight paths or mounts -- abandoning the lowbies -- time permitting. We won't have a raid group, but we will have a chat channel specifically for the event. If you are on a trial account, you are free to tag along -- but unfortunately, your trial status won't allow you to join the chat channel. You're all invited, as long as you aren't a funsucker. Please join us! Here are some pictures from the previous two events: %Gallery-106769% %Gallery-76909% Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PVE-H) in It came from the Blog. Any member can invite, so /whisper Roblinator or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Is it Nommable?

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    This is Kegilert's first video, in which she examines the mysterious Creepy Crate. You can pick up the companion as part of the Hallow's End holiday. It turns out ... the crate eats critters! This kind of discovery virtually mandates some investigative journalism, and Kegilert set out to find out Is it Nommable? You can see as Kegilert sets out exploring the world on her character Arkadie, finding out which of the world's critters are nommable. The video is almost a little frightening when you consider the seemingly endless hunger of the creepy crate. I have to admit this video gets me excited to log in and go get a crate of my own. Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at moviewatch@wowinsider.com.

  • Blizzard previews Hallow's End in new community post

    Josh Myers
    Josh Myers

    Hallow's End has a tall order to fill this October. With BlizzCon just three days away and likely to steal the spotlight from the holiday, Blizzard has made some dramatic changes to Hallow's End. These changes are highlighted in the new community blog post This is Hallow's End on Battle.net, where Community Manager Daxxarri assists in setting the mood for this frightening festival. If you're interested in finding out what effect these changes will have on you getting your Hallowed Be Thy Name achievement (and the What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been meta-achievement), be sure to check out Allison Robert's updated Guide to Hallow's End some time over the next few days. For the full text of the blog post, check after the break.

  • Breakfast Topic: Are you ready for Hallow's End?

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Hallow's End 2011 is upon us this morning, and with it comes a lot of new content. There's new loot to grab from the Headless Horseman, new pets to get from quests and vendors, and new daily quests to run. Unsure of where to start? Remember, our Hallow's End Achievement guide is always here for you. I have to say, the Headless Horseman may very well be my favorite WoW villain. He's classic, he's spooky, and his voice and gimmick are a whole lot of fun. I'm almost sad he's only around for a few weeks every year. This year, I'll definitely be after his helm so it's there as a transmogrification option in patch 4.3. I'll also be grabbing the new pets for sure, and hopefully one of each mask so I can finally get that silly achievement done. I'm also really hoping the new Gilneas vs. Undercity subplot provides some new lore for our sadly neglected furry friends. So how about it -- are you ready to get started? Will you be aiming for a set of Reins and the Hallowed title this year? Are you after a couple of pets? Are you excited to visit your old crazy friend in the Scarlet Monastery every day? Or are you just taking it easy?

  • New Hallow's End content for 2011

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Hallow's End is nearly upon us, and this year looks like it's going to have a whole bunch of fun new things to keep us occupied, from new pets to new loot to new quests. To start with, the famous wickerman of Undercity will now have a Stormwind equivalent, maintained by the Gilneans. Alliance and Horde will have a chance to honor their own wickerman or douse the one that belongs to the opposing faction. In addition, you'll be able to go on a stink bomb run over Stormwind or Undercity, or clean up after the other sides' bombing. You can read up on all of these quests, which are dailies, in Allison's Hallow's End Achievement Guide. The Headless Horseman will once again lurk in the Scarlet Monastery graveyard, with his usual outlay of rings, his helm (perfect for transmogrification), and his sword, all of which will now be ilevel 365. His Reins will also be a possible reward from the first kill each day, of course. Again, you can find a complete list of his loot in our Hallow's End Achievement Guide. Tricky Treats, those annoying things that you couldn't destroy fast enough in years past, will now buy you stuff. Vendors this year will sell every single Halloween mask for two Tricky Treats each, and two different pets, the Feline Familiar and the Little Wickerman, for 150 Tricky Treats each. Tricky Treats will be awarded from various quests or Hands of Treats from trick-or-treat buckets in inns around the world. The holiday officially starts Oct. 18, so get ready! There's lots of new stuff to do this year, and not much time to do it in, especially if you're not about to tear yourself away from BlizzCon, even for a flying horse.

  • The OverAchiever: Guide to Hallow's End 2011

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Every Thursday, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. This week, that sweet, sweet sugar rush. Hallow's End 2011 begins on Tuesday, Oct. 18 and runs through Monday, Oct. 31 this year. For all those of you still working toward the yearlong meta What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been that grants the Violet Proto-Drake, Hallow's End is one of the required holidays. Completing the required Hallow's End achievements will also award the title the Hallowed. Over the past year, we've seen some new things pop up for the holiday's 2011 incarnation on both the patch 4.1 and 4.2 PTRs. While we're not 100% sure of how the former will show up within the game or what's going on with the possible new holiday currency, we've got a few guesses. I'll be around as the holiday goes live to clarify and update today's guide, but I expect the new stuff will be pretty straightforward. As with our guide to Brewfest, I've arranged the holiday's achievement in the rough order they should be completed, noting which achievements are required for the meta and which aren't. Update on Tuesday, Oct. 18: The holiday has gone live on all realms now, and I've started to update how the new changes affect achievements. Please bear with us!

  • The OverAchiever: Mountain O' Mounts from holidays

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Every Thursday, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. This week, we still have yet to meet anyone with the Big Love Rocket. There aren't many mounts available from WoW's annual holidays, but they're a pretty interesting example of how Blizzard's changed content through the years in an attempt to make things -- words fail me -- less annoying. Three of WoW's annual holidays will cough up rides, and your chances of getting them -- with the benefit of the "goody bag" system implemented in patch 3.3.3 -- are much better than they used to be. Long-time players will remember the hell of farming holiday bosses with a bevy of guild alts in order to maximize the number of boss kills per day for all the mains who wanted special drops. Sometimes you got lucky. Sometimes you were everyone else. Also read: Combining The Ambassador and Mountain O' Mounts Mountain O' Mounts in Outland Mountain O' Mounts in Northrend Mountain O' Mounts in 5-man dungeons Mountain O' Mounts in raids Mountain O' Mounts from achievements Mountain O' Mounts from PVP Mountain O' Mounts from professions

  • Patch 4.2 PTR: New Hallow's End and Brewfest loot

    Kelly Aarons
    Kelly Aarons

    On the patch 4.1 PTR, we saw hints of a grand new Hallow's End event would be in the works. The Cataclysm has certainly shaken things up, and the Forsaken now have a near and constant enemy in Greymane's worgen. The patch 4.2 PTR was updated this evening with a whole batch of new loot for both Hallow's End and Brewfest. The new epics (such as The Horseman's Sinister Sabre) are ilevel 365, and you can check them out right here. Hallow's End Loot: Band of Ghoulish Glee Seal of the Petrified Pumpkin Wicked Witch's Ring The Horseman's Signet The Horseman's Horrific Helmet The Horseman's Sinister Sabre

  • WoW Moviewatch: Hallow's End (Is Calling)

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    This video was actually released back in October. Wakagana created the video while Silver Letomi and Wick are responsible for the song. While we're obviously nowhere near the season now, Hallow's End (Is Calling) is absolutely worth an off-season watch. This is an amazing video with a gorgeous song. It's a haunting, subtly occult-sounding song with a driving, building beat. The contrast of Letomi's gentle, high-pitched singing against the rhythmic progression is compelling, and the controlled use of crescendo lends the music an epic feel. Overall, this whole piece is incredibly well done. My hat's off to these folks. Interested in the wide world of machinima? We have new movies every weekday here on WoW Moviewatch! Have suggestions for machinima we ought to feature? Toss us an email at moviewatch@wowinsider.com.

  • Patch 4.1 PTR: Hints of a new Hallow's End

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The Forsaken have already carpet bombed Southshore with plague, so their annual ritual of tossing innocuous stinkbombs into town probably isn't going to have much of an impact anymore. We aren't sure how Blizzard is planning to update Hallow's End for Cataclysm yet, but the patch 4.1 data has some hints as to what we can expect this year -- at least the fun and games portion, if not the lore. Mixed in with the latest additions to Wowhead's database are new versions of the Hallow's End masks. Rather than replacing your helm slot, it appears that the masks now go over your helm slot -- meaning your human female can wear her tauren male mask while raiding Blackwing Descent without losing the stats on her epic helm. As an added bonus, it appears the masks that aren't player races also supply a stat buff of their own. The Naga Masks, for example, are consumed on use and provide an intellect buff.

  • It came from the Blog: Hallow's End 2010 snapshots

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Last Saturday, the <It came from the Blog> family of guilds held our annual Hallow's End event. We gathered in Razor Hill for our pre-event mixer. Anyone who wanted to join was invited to <Blogling> and we carried on our chat in a chat channel for all of our guilds to participate in. We then put out fires, which took just a few seconds, as there were so many of us there. Then we traveled to Orgrimmar to go trick-or-treating. Once there, we abandoned the lowbies and those of us with the flightpaths of Kalimdor went trick-or-treating around the continent. The fun was captured in the gallery below. We will have another event this month -- probably Pilgrim's Bounty. And we will continue to have at least one event a month, even if we have to make up an in-game holiday to go with it. %Gallery-106769% Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in <It came from the Blog>. Guild ranks of Blog Lurker or above can invite, so /whisper Robiness or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.

  • Breakfast Topic: Goodbye Hallow's End, hello Day of the Dead

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    That's it! No more chances to try for the mount you've all been queuing up for until next year. Hallow's End may be over, but the in-game holiday fun is not. For one day only, you can participate in a fun little event that pays homage to Dia de los Muertos, the Latin-American holiday for remembering family members who are no longer with us. The Day of the Dead includes a dancing achievement and a quest to feed the dead, complete with pop culture references. <It came from the Blog> had a lot of fun last year, as you can see in the gallery below. Are you participating in the Day of the Dead today? Also, did you reach your Hallow's End goals? What do you think of the drop rate of the Horseman's reins? What would you change about the holiday? Personally, I would like there to be a way to douse the fires with fewer people toward the end of the holiday. I think it would be nice if an NPC stepped in to help out after so many failed attempts in a row. That way I could still parade my alts through Brill on a daily basis, rather than scheduling an onslaught of guildies to get it done in a few seconds. What do you think? %Gallery-77152%

  • Breakfast Topic: Happy hallowed holiday

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Today is Halloween in the physical world and also the last day of Hallow's End in Azeroth. There is just no escape from costumes and candy, no matter where you go. For me, that's a good thing. This is one of my favorite holidays, being No. 3 of the four major chocolate holidays of the year. And I love the in-game version as well, with its silly achievements and delicious XP and/or cash for alts. While most U.S. children will be trick-or-treating this evening, the bulk of the Halloween parties have already happened. In game, most of the dailies and achievement attempts have already occurred as well, but you still have time to try for your goals until tonight. Do you participate in Halloween? If so, what did you and/or your child go as this year? Do you participate in Hallow's End? How close are you to finishing your goals?

  • It came from the Blog: Hallow's End event live stream

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Update: The stream is now over. Clicking the picture above will go to the first half of the video replay. Unfortunately, while the audio is good, the video is very laggy. The pre-event mixer is over and the <It came from the Blog> Hallow's End event has begun. If you are coming to the event, please make sure to read the rules and tips. If you can't join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H), then please enjoy the stream above and join us in the chat after the break.

  • Reminder: It came from the Blog's Hallow's End event tomorrow

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    The <It came from the Blog> Hallow's End event is tomorrow. If you are joining us with a death knight, you'd better start now! All levels are welcome for the first part of the event, but the second part is for those with all the old-world flight paths only. When: Saturday, Oct. 30 at 12:30 p.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. PDT, 10:30 a.m. realm time) for the pre-event mixer and 1 p.m. for the first part of the event Where: Razor Hill on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) Who: A Horde character of any level. If you wish to do the trick or treating, please bring a character that has all of the flight paths in Kalimdor, such as a death knight. What: Dailies and trick or treating How: Ask Robinella or any member of <Blogling> for an invite to our event guild. All Blogling members can invite. If you are already in one of our guilds, there will be instructions in the message of the day. If you are joining the event, please read the tips and rules. It will make it more fun for you, I promise. I hope all of you can join us on Zangarmarsh or in the stream. See you tomorrow! Please join us on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) in <It came from the Blog>. Guild ranks of Blog Lurker or above can invite, so /whisper Robiness or any online member. You are all welcome as long as you play by our simple rules -- basically, don't be a funsucker! Visit the guild FAQ for more details.

  • Captain's Log: Guide to surviving (without) Halloween

    Ryan Greene
    Ryan Greene

    Oh boy! My favorite time of year is here again! A time when ghouls and goblins rule the night, I can watch The Monster Squad three times a week without feeling silly and no one has a problem with my wearing leopard-print tights to a party. (I rocked a homemade Kraven the Hunter costume this past weekend. Deal with it.) Yes sir, I love me some Halloween. And like most awesomely major holidays, my MMOs usually help me celebrate in style. My paladin, for instance, finally snagged himself a set of Horseman's Reins this year. Sadly, Star Trek Online offers no such holiday merriment. So what's a forlorn fan of costume parties and pumpkin patches to do in STO? Fresh from the brain trust behind your beloved Captain's Log, consider these alternatives to tide you over until you go trick-or-treating.

  • It came from the Blog: Join us for Hallow's End

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    This Saturday, the <It came from the Blog> family of guilds will be hosting our annual Hallow's End event, which will be in two parts. The first part will be for all levels, and we'll do the daily fire quests. The second part will be for those with all of the flight paths in Azeroth so that we can trick or treat all of Kalimdor. We may do more trick or treating if we have time. Of course, we'll have the pre-event mixer as usual, so I guess that makes three parts. Here are the particulars: When: Saturday, Oct. 30 at 12:30 p.m. EDT (9:30 a.m. PDT, 10:30 a.m. realm time) for the pre-event mixer and 1 p.m. for the first part of the event Where: Razor Hill on Zangarmarsh (US-PvE-H) Who: A Horde character of any level. If you wish to do the trick or treating, please bring a character that has all of the flight paths in Kalimdor, such as a death knight. What: Dailies and trick or treating How: Ask Robinella or any member of <Blogling> for an invite to our event guild. All Blogling members can invite. If you are already in one of our guilds, there will be instructions in the message of the day. I will also be streaming the event, as usual. More details, tips and rules are after the break.

  • Headless Horseman and cogwheel crash workaround

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    If you're one of the many players who is having issues with the Headless Horseman pumpkin locking up your game client or any other cogwheel type item doing the same sort of thing, there is now a workaround while they look into fixing this bug. Kill your tooltips. That's right, tooltips are the cause behind this rash of client crashes. There are two ways you can get around this particular issue. One is to just disable tooltips. You can do this by setting up a single macro and putting it on your action bars. Stickied post by player Deyneth of Wyrmrest Accord (US-H) /script GameTooltip.Temphide = function() GameTooltip:Hide() end; GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Temphide) /stopmacro [btn:1] /script GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow", GameTooltip.Show); source This will disable tooltips when you left-click the button and re-enable them when you right-click the button. An alternative is a simple addon called CogFix which disables the simple addons which are causing this issue, but will allow complex tooltips (like when you mouse over a player or NPC) still remain visible. Any custom tooltip addon could possibly protect you from this bug, but your mileage may vary. The developers are working on permanent a fix for this issue, but have to test things to make sure that the fix doesn't cause issues elsewhere.

  • Headless Horseman pumpkin shrine crashes game

    Gregg Reece
    Gregg Reece

    When the Hallow's End decorations went up, many people were excited about the possibilities of the rare Headless Horseman mount, finishing up What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been and just generally playing around with one of the favorite holidays in the game. When the first players started doing the Headless Horseman event in hopes of Sinister Squashlings, they quickly noticed a rather harsh bug. There is about a 50/50 chance when mousing over the pumpkin to summon the Headless Horseman that the game client will lock up and/or disconnect you. Ever since patch 4.0.1 hit the live servers, there have been reports that world items that give the gear icon to let you know it is clickable have been causing a similar crash, and this is likely related to that. One of the reasons this bug is especially hurting groups is that the people to usually click on the pumpkin are the tanks, who are then disconnected, leaving the groups to fend for themselves until they get back. As a precaution, have a DPSer be the one to click on the pumpkin and allow time to reconnect afterward so that the tank and healer can keep the rest of the group alive. If the fight is over by the time the DPSer gets back, the loot roll and bag of goodies should be ready and waiting. Update: Orlyia (Blizzard customer service representative) posted a list of known issues and work-arounds for Hallow's End in the customer service forums. They've said that they're aware of the mouse-over issue and the developers are looking into what is causing it.

  • Breakfast Topic: Hello, Hallow's End!

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Hallow's End falls upon Azeroth once again, and it's the same old, same old. But the same old thing actually never gets old, because this is quite possibly the most fun yearly event in the game. It's that time of the year where the typically empty and unloved Scarlet Monastery graveyard gets more than its welcome share of visitors and its summoned inhabitant gets farmed endlessly for his drops -- or I should say, one particular drop. At this point in the game with Cataclysm on the horizon, pretty much everybody has gotten what he needs from the Headless Horseman, who drops mostly ilevel 200 gear. With just a few weeks to go before players level past 80, there isn't anything that won't be obsolete. That said, I have a sentimental attachment to the Horseman's Horrific Helm, which I have macroed to use with my Hammer of Wrath, which I have to admit is terribly annoying (and extremely spammy now in 4.0.1). I think I'll be paying the horseman a visit again this year, even though the only thing I really want off him is his horse. What are your Hallow's End plans? Is this the only holiday you need to finally get that 310 percent mount speed? Perhaps you want that Sinister Squashling pet? Are you complete with all your achievements for this holiday -- on all your alts? Tell us your plans for this holiday, one of the last yearly events we'll see in old Azeroth.