

  • Google's Valentine's Day doodle

    You can help two lovelorn hamsters reunite with Google's Valentine's Day doodle

    Amrita Khalid
    Amrita Khalid

    Winning this mini-game will lift your spirits and (almost) make you forget you're single.

  • Hamster wheel used to control human-sized treadmill (video)

    Mark Hearn
    Mark Hearn

    Sure, your pet hamster's amazing leg strength may someday power a house, but can it beat you in a race? A pair of Chicago-based artists might be able to help you solve this mystery. The duo recently hooked up a homemade tachometer to a hamster's exercise wheel and mapped the data to a treadmill's motor. The fur ball's RPMs are transferred in real time, which gives it the ability to control its bipedal competitor's running speeds. The team cautions that no animals were harmed during this experiment, however a human ego may have been bruised after trying to keep up with a tireless rodent.

  • Watch as hamsters 'dance-off' against humans for Home superiority

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    digg_url = 'http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/21/watch-as-hamsters-dance-off-against-humans-for-home-superiorit/'; When we heard Home was pitting Hamsters (Read: Virtual Furries) against Humans in a virtual world dance-off, we were intrigued. Actually, first we re-read our news feed to make sure we weren't hallucinating and then we became intrigued. Last night we decided to log onto Home and find out what all the fuss was about. Like cars slowing past a train wreck, we were unable to look away as dozens of PlayStation 3 users came together for the "ultimate dance-off." The winning faction has not been officially revealed, but humans appeared to be the clear winner during our multiple login sessions. If you're wondering what the point was: based on which side showed the most support, Home users would receive a different free item. If Hamsters are the decided winner, the PlayStation Home community will receive Viking and Valkyrie helmets. If Humans win, Home users net free Fedoras and Aviator headwear. It's easy for us to be dismissive of the wacky promotion, but users involved seemed to be enjoying themselves. Seriously. As avatars bumped (also, grinded), users would motivate and compliment each other on their "sick moves" ... it was one of the strangest things we've ever seen on a gaming console. The horrors of a giant hamster "shakin' its money maker" can be viewed above. Fair warning it's 3 minutes and 41 seconds that cannot be unseen, nor is it time you can ever get back.

  • Home to host Hamster vs Human Dance-Off tomorrow

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Uh...We don't know what else to say. Looks like someone at the PlayStation Home team finally snapped? (Also, does the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man count as a human? Just wondering about the technicalities here.)Guess we'll see you in Home Central Plaza tomorrow at 8PM PST?

  • The server hamster is having a coronary

    Eric Vice
    Eric Vice

    Yes folks, 2.2 has gone live and most of you who are reading this have already been greeted by the lightning-fast login screen that was a result of of the new patch disabling all your add-ons.Fear not, you can "Enable Out-Of-Date Addons" and most of them will return to life. Some however, most notably those that affect unit frames, may not behave as you would like them to. As a result, a lot of you are hitting the add-on sites right now. The add-on site I visit regularly hasn't moved this slow since 2.0 went live. The hamsters powering the servers of these sites are near collapse, as pictured. Here are a few notes and tips to get you through the next 48 hours and back in the game. At the time of this writing, voice chat isn't enabled yet on the launch servers. Don't ask in General. Don't shout from the rooftops. It's not online yet. It probably will be soon. Be kind to the server rodents. There are lots of good add-on sites on the internet, and if we can distribute the traffic a little bit, it will make the experience less arduous for everybody. Curse seems to be getting hit pretty hard at the moment. If it's not responding or too slow, don't forget WoW Interface, or ui.IncGamers.com. If you use a lot of Ace2 addons, you might want to fire up the updater application, or check files.wowace.com. If all else fails you might luck-out with Google or by looking in the readme.txt of the add-on in question to find the author's personal site. There's always strength in numbers. Many hands make light work. All those folks you've bragged your addons to are likely looking for the update too. Share information.