

  • Night elf priest iron-mans to level 90 with no greens, no talents, and no deaths

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    It's a world first for night elf priest Lyssan of Vek'linash (US), who has bypassed death, gearing, talents -- all the conveniences of modern-day Azeroth -- to hit level 90 in the player-created WoW Ironman Challenge. A report like this would normally include the winner's class specialization and gearing, but not for this player, yet the Ironman's brutal ruleset prohibits not only those basics but also death itself. That's right: If you die during the WoW Ironman Challenge, you re-roll. Period. Here's a look at the grim core rules of the challenge: No items equipped other than white or gray items. No heirlooms. No talent points -- no specialization. You may train class abilities. No professions, primary or secondary, other than First Aid. No food or water above vendor-quality white items. No groups -- no BGs, no instances, no raids, no quest groups. No guilds. No enchants, scrolls, potions, elixirs, or glyphs. No outside financial or equipment assistance (including gold or bags from other characters). The Big One: If you die, ever, you delete that character and start over at level 1. The next closest participant in the Mists leg of this event is currently level 87. Kripparrian, the player-run hard-mode competition's former title-holder in Cataclysm at level 85, does not appear to have leveled in Mists of Pandaria. We'll have a full interview with the triumphant Lyssan next week, after she takes a well-earned holiday rest! (And if it were me, I think I'd go out and die a few times, just for sheer relief ...)

  • Take the WoW Ironman Challenge

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Forum user Jahjin, a troll priest from the Moonglade (EU) guild Twisted Tusks, has posted the rules of the World of Warcraft Ironman Challenge, a grueling, self-imposed challenge designed to take the leveling experience of WoW to a new level of difficulty. Blizzard has even thrown its support into the ring, wishing players embarking on the Ironman Challenge the best of luck. Blizzard is no stranger to Ironman-type challenges. Both Diablo and Diablo II featured rough hard modes that would cripple those who were not the best. Frankly, the fact that there are players out there putting together these difficulty challenges probably makes a lot of folks over at Blizzard very happy. Some of these Ironman Challenge rules are pretty brutal. Death is death -- if you die, delete. End of story. Better make it a PvE realm choice, if you want to curb a lot of nonsense-deaths. You aren't even allowed to use talent points, including the one to pick your specialization. No specialization is a rough road to take. If this is your kind of thing, brutal self-hatred, you're going to have a ton of fun. Head over to the official WoW forums to check out all of the rules and FAQ. If you do decide to try the Ironman Challenge, share your progress in the thread.