

  • Hearthstone: Curse of Naxxramas livestream

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Check out WoW Insider's live stream for the new Hearthstone expansion pack: Curse of Naxxramas! Our own Robert Wing will give you the scoop on all the new cards and how they play. If you're interested in Hearthstone, here's your chance to get a glimpse of all the new features in action. Happy card slinging!

  • Hearthstone: The Forge livestream

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    The Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft livestream detailing The Forge mode happens today! Right now, in fact. What are you waiting for? It's linked above. This is the mode of the game where you are given cards at the start and must build your deck from what you are given, so if you want to see just how it works now is your opportunity to do so! For questions, commentary, and community, make sure to mosey on over to the livestream Reddit thread, which goes live at the same time as the event. Sounds like a splendid way to spend your Friday, if you ask me. As long as it won't get you fired.

  • Hearthstone live stream scheduled for July 26

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Blizzard has announced a new Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft livestream scheduled for 10:00 am PDT Friday, July 26th on their Twitch.tv channel. The broadcast will focus especially The Forge in Hearthstone, one of the four game modes available. The Forge mode in particular is designed to test players' deck-building skills, by providing a set of cards at a match's beginning from which the participants must then build the deck they use in the match. Once a player has completed their set of Forge duels they are allowed to keep the cards they used to build their decks. So far this particular mode has not been showcased, so this Friday's Twitch.tv cast will be the first we've seen of it in action. The developers also plan to discuss some of the evolution of The Forge, and how they've tweaked and changed it since the mode was first announced. Make sure to mark your calenders for 10:00 am PDT this coming Friday, and learn all about The Forge mode in Hearthstone.