

  • New Heroes of the Storm trailer for Li Li

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    Heroes of the Storm has just released a new trailer for this week's featured hero: Li Li Stormstout. You can read all about her history and her moves in the latest Heroes spotlight. Li Li is the niece of the legendary Chen Stormstout, a powerful martial artist in her own right and an avid explorer. In fact, Explorer Li Li is one of her skins--complete with bug net and pith hat. Li Li's starting abilities are Healing Brew (heals allies), Cloud Serpent (summons a dragon to aid allies), and Blinding Wind (blinds enemies and blocks their auto attacks), and her Combat Trait is Fast Feet, which gains her movement speed after being struck by an enemy Hero. Judging by her abilities, Li Li seems like an interesting support character who may have a few good tricks up her sleeve. This week is her test week, so if you have access to the Heroes alpha, give her a whirl and see how she goes!