

  • Get an EverQuest heroic character for free

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Players in EverQuest have a limited-time opportunity to snag a free heroic character if they create one between March 12th and March 26th, SOE announced on the official forums. Unlike other characters, heroic characters start at level 85. They also get a full set of gear, a unique mount, and alternative advancement abilities. Normally heroic characters will cost 3,500 Station Cash to purchase. EverQuest is also adding two new race and class combos to the game for its 15th anniversary. Starting March 12th, players will be able to roll a Wood Elf Beastlord or a Froglok Monk.

  • We interviewed SOE about today's EQII Heroic Characters patch

    MJ Guthrie
    MJ Guthrie

    By now you have probably heard that EverQuest II is launching a little thing called Heroic Characters today; after all, this little thing is kind of a big deal. How often do players get the chance to jump in and experience a game as a permanent high-level character instead of just being teased with one during a brief tutorial? And for two weeks this possibility is completely free to each and every person, be they new players or veterans. Whether you are eagerly awaiting your chance to jump (back) into Norrath and see what things are like in the newest story arcs or you're eyeing the sudden influx of high level newbs with trepidation, there's no denying that EQ II is going through a fundamental shift today. This patch has the ability to change the landscape of play in the game more so than anything since the free-to-play conversion. When you couple these new Heroic Characters with the lifting of item restrictions, there are literally no more gates barring people from joining and experiencing most of what the game has to offer. In anticipation of this big change, I had the opportunity to sit down with Franchise Director Dave Georgeson and Producer Holly Longdale to talk Heroic Character shop, and they shed more light on this upcoming experience. They also revealed a little something extra coming for the raiders in Norrath.