

  • Get started raiding Highmaul with these guides

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    The first raid of Warlords, Highmaul opens its doors to players today (or tomorrow for EU players) for normal and heroic modes. If you're waiting for mythic or raid finder, both of those open on December 9th, with additional raid finder wings opening on December 16th and January 6th. If you're not sure how to get started with Highmaul, we've rounded up the guides that will help you down the biggest bosses and collect the best gear. Wowhead has a great guide covering everything you might want to know about Highmaul, including achievements, ilvl requirements, zone info, and boss guides. Icy Veins offers comprehensive strategy guides for each boss, including videos. GameSkinny has excellent short-and-sweet boss guides. Check part 1 for Kargath, The Butcher, Tectus, and Brackenspore strategies; find Twin Ogron, Ko'ragh and Imperator Mar'gok in part 2. Get-Er Raid has beta videos of heroic kills of each Highmaul boss with easy to follow narration that's packed with helpful info. Top guild Method has beta videos of heroic kills of each Highmaul boss as well as a video walkthrough of the whole raid. The kill videos have no narration to walk you through them, but the Highmaul walkthrough offers advice to help you through the tougher parts of Highmaul. Have your own favorite guide that's not mentioned here? Be sure to let us know in the comments -- and, of course, good luck raiding!