homestar portable


  • Six new PSP game demos from Japan

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Six new PSP demos hit the internet recently and are available for your consumption. They may not match the excitement of say, a God of War demo, but complaining about anything free seems kind of silly, don't you think? Although all of the demos released here are in Japanese, Homestar Portable appears to be a bit easier to comprehend that the others. We're not so sure about the fun factor quotient in the Computer Science Lab demos, but we're getting ready to fire them up anyhow. Call it our strangely curious thirst for the unexplainable ... or taking one for the team. All six of the demos are zipped up in one convenient file, available here:1. Download the demo collection zip file.2. Extract the contents of the zip file.3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable. 4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.5. Copy all folders into the GAME directory. Check out our new demos [Via PSP Demo Center]

  • Sony unveils its PSP Tokyo Game Show lineup

    Chris Powell
    Chris Powell

    With E3 seemingly now a shadow of its former self, the gaming industry's focus may shift to the Tokyo Game Show, which just so happens to be only a mere seven days away. TGS 2006 goes from Sept. 22 through 24 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan. And to whet your appetite, Sony has released a preliminary list of the PSP lineup that should be in playable form at the event. Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception (Namco Bandai Games) Bounty Hounds (Namco Bandai Games) Boxers Road 2: The Real (Ertain) Gundam Battle Royale (Namco Bandai Games) Homestar Portable* (Sega) Jan-Sangokumusou (Koei) Jeanne D'Arc (Sony Computer Entertainment) Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel (Konami) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops* (Konami) Minna no Golf-jou* (Sony Computer Entertainment) Monster Hunter Portable 2nd (Capcom) Navigation Software* (working title) (Edia) Ratchet and Clank Portable (working title) (Sony Computer Entertainment) Sarugettchu Piposaru Racer (Sony Computer Entertainment) Tales of the World Radiant Mythology (Namco Bandai Games) Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden (Sony Computer Entertainment) (* – supports GPS)In addition the already mentioned games, Sony will show new video of 35 more titles. I believe the big story here is how effectively the GPS games use the add-on. If Sony can get software that show the peripheral is more than a gimmick, the PSP may be able to gain some ground on the DS. (Via Gamespot)