

  • ICYMI: The first autonomous robotic octopus has arrived

    Kerry Davis
    Kerry Davis

    try{document.getElementById("aol-cms-player-1").style.display="none";}catch(e){}Today on In Case You Missed It: Harvard Researchers created the world's first fully-autonomous octo-robot, something that runs on hydrogen peroxide and moves by pumping oxygen into its tentacles. We'd be afraid, except it looks so similar to what research vessel EV Nautilus just spotted in the sea that we can't help but be charmed instead. If you're more into nature as medicine, you may be interested in the study that showed houseplants may be better at removing air pollution than many ventilation systems.

  • DIY kit lets houseplants Twitter when they need water

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Finally, your mind-exploding, breakdown-inducing struggle to keep your houseplants watered regularly is getting a little help. A group called Botanicalls has come up with a method to monitor your plants remotely, then be Twittered when they need some water. Taking a slightly different direction than the ThirstyLight, the system is based around the popular (and versatile) Arduino board, which is combined with a DIY moisture sensor, and a small piece of code that will alert you when your greenery is starting to need a drink. Look, we'll be honest with you: it's a pretty complicated process to go through just to figure out when your plants need water, but if you're as serious about flora as we think you are, this will be a dream come true.[Via Make]