

  • Twisted Nether and friends unveil Azeroth United

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The Twisted Nether folks have been a huge part of the WoW community for a while now -- I finally got to meet both Fimlys and Nibuca in person at the last BlizzCon, and of course we've mentioned them and their work here on the site before. They've recently announced another big project, in coordination with Stompalina over at Rawrcast and our own Eddie "Brigwyn" Carrington, author of the Scattered Shots column and curator of The Hunting Lodge, and it sounds exciting. Azeroth United is an "Internet media community" centered around World of Warcraft, so it'll be a hub for sharing news and support around not just bloggers, but all WoW-related fansites and online resources.It sounds like their first project will be a large-scale charity drive, much like the Children's Week auction that Brigwyn put together earlier this year. More news on that, we're told, is coming soon, and we'll keep our ears open to see what they're up to. We've seen the power of the Warcraft community before, both in making a difference with donations and and uniting under a common flag, so a project like this is sure to be fun to watch. Stay tuned for more when we hear it.

  • One day left on Children's Week Child's Play auction

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Time is running out on our friend Brigwyn's Children's Week auction to benefit the Child's Play charity. Most of the auctions have about a day left on them, and while Brigwyn has already met a few goals, and some of the auction pieces have reached some very nice bids (Cadistra's WoW Eh? print is bringing in some great money for the kids, and our own guest host spot on the podcast is doing better than I ever expected), there's still a ton of great stuff to bid on. You can still pick up an official BRK t-shirt for pretty cheap, and the infamous autographed Hooter's shirt still hasn't been bid on yet. Surely someone wants that, right? Tell you what -- if you buy the Hooter's shirt and wear it to BlizzCon, we'll have everyone there from the WoW Insider staff sign it for you as well. Now that is a prize you can't pass up!Huge thanks to everyone who's bid so far, and of course to Brigwyn for putting all of this together (if you haven't read why he's personally involved in this yet, please do). There's just over a day left, so make sure to get your bids in ASAP, and help get some kids in hospitals some videogames of their own to play while there.

  • Children's Week Child's Play auction is live

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Children's Week is here, and with it this year comes our friend Brigwyn's Child's Play auction. You can look through all of the available items in his on-site catalogue, or head on over to eBay and start bidding on whatever you like. All of the proceeds from the auction will go to help Penny Arcade's very worthy Child's Play charity, which goes to help put videogames in hospitals where sick children can play with them. Brigwyn himself has experience with their work (which he's written about over on his site), so he knows just what kind of good they can do.And of course, we'll point out our own contribution to the auction page -- we've donated a free guest spot on our podcast, the WoW Insider Show. If you've ever wanted to tell me in virtual person how wrong I am, or encourage Turpster's already oversize ego, or weigh in with us during the Meat of the Show, now's your chance. With your bid there, not only are you helping children who are going through some terrible experiences, but you might also get the chance to speak your mind about World of Warcraft right alongside us on the show. Oh, and we'll poke around our WoW Insider prize closet for some other fun stuff for you, too -- maybe loot cards, a Turpster drawing, or whatever else we've got sitting around.So please bid -- on our item or any of the others. There's also some loot cards, some items from BRK and other well-known bloggers from around the community, and lots of extremely fun one-of-a-kind WoW items (Sure, this original signed art by Cadistra of WoW, Eh? is nice, but a Hooter's t-shirt? That's Epic if we ever saw it). The bids are coming in already, so please get yours in there ASAP!

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 87: Extreme Peggle fever

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Another great week on our podcast last Saturday. We welcomed a brand new voice in our newest writer, Lesley Smith, as well as a familiar old one in the great Alex Ziebart, and of course Turpster and I were on hand as usual. We talked about patch 3.1.1 and a few of the hotfixes that are going out lately, the server downtime and how it compares to past patches, what the new five-man instance might be, and of course the coming of a thing called Peggle.We answered email as well -- we talked about what to do when your guild didn't have enough room in their raids, and we decided to contribute a prize to our friend Brigwyn's Child's Play auction: when his auction goes live May 1-7, you'll have a chance to bid on a guest appearance on the WoW Insider Show. Given that you have Skype installed and a free Saturday afternoon around 3:30pm (and of course that you're the highest bidder in the charity auction), you'll be able to join Turpster and I for about an hour of Warcraft discussion, along with a few other actual prizes we'll dig out of the prize closet. Stay tuned to both WoW Insider and The Hunting Lodge for more info about that.Enjoy the show, and we'll be back next week as always.Get the podcast:[iTunes] Subscribe to the WoW Insider Show directly in iTunes.[RSS] Add the WoW Insider Show to your RSS aggregator.[MP3] Download the MP3 directly.Listen here on the page:

  • The Daily Quest: The Hunting Lodge and Child's Play

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    We here at WoW Insider are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere.The Hunting Lodge is running a charity auction for Child's Play next week. There's a compelling story to read over on Brigwyn's site, and I humbly suggest that everyone takes a moment to go over there and read how this great charity was able to help his family out. While games and gamers can get bad press, all anyone needs to do is to look at the story Brigwyn posted (and others have echoed around the net at various points) and be convinced otherwise.And after you've visited the Hunting Lodge, there are some other great stories to check out around the wownet: The Big Bear Butt says retro raiding just because! Twinkinfo has an interesting note about WoW sponsoring an NBA playoff game. Check out this plush moonkin made by Serthida of Bloodhoof. It's cute! Click here to submit a link to TDQ