

  • Rig of the Day: Retro simplistic

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I think that all those people who hated my last two picks for Rig of the Day will like this one. What's not to like, there's a PowerBook, an 4th gen iPod, a Macintosh 512K and an ImageWriter. No need for a flaming desk, or a wall of monitors. And let's all appreciate, for a moment, the similiarty in industrial design between the iPod and the Macintosh. Everything old is new again.Apple Macintosh 512K by gesteves.If you'd like to see your own rig featured here, simply upload photos into our group Flickr pool (which is full of things that are decidedly not rigs at the moment). We select one image to highlight each day, and crown a Rig of the Week on Sundays.