

  • Where do Blu-ray and HD DVD discs come from?

    Surprisingly enough, blue laser media isn't the result of a licensing deal with Gargamel and the subsequent disappearance of the Smurf population. Imation and Memorex have produced a short (14 minute, 68MB) video podcast about their facility in Minnesota producing Blu-ray and HD DVD discs. Sure there's quite a bit of marketing fluff, but by fast forwarding to the last few minutes, there's some interesting information about manufacturing blue laser discs. From the original master recording, to the plants ability to produce either format depending on the coating applied to the disc. Maybe once supporters of both sides see both formats come from the same place, they'll see we all aren't really that different. Can't Blu-ray and HD DVD just get along?

    Richard Lawler
  • Imation's USB bracelet goes 1GB

    You know those USB flash drive bracelets no one is wearing? Well, consider 'em bumped to a full 1GB in your choice of 8 colors to match you collection of ironic T-shirts. And if you feel like branding your enslaved wage donkeys, you can even order in bulk replete with your own corporate logo. On sale in Japan starting September 21st. Good times.[Via Impress]

    Thomas Ricker
  • Imation shipping HD DVD-Rs

    Did we miss something? Because we like HD DVD as much as anybody, but first Memorex and now parent company Imation has announced they are shipping HD DVD-R 1x single-layer HD DVD-Rs and we're not sure where -- outside of Japan -- to get a burner for them. We're sure these will satisfy your 36Mbps, 15GB at a time storage needs, but unless you've imported a Toshiba RD-A1, good luck getting data on them. Dual-layer packaging pictured, however those aren't available yet, only single-layer for $19.99.

    Richard Lawler