

  • Olalekan Jeyifous

    'Shanty Mega-structures' rise above a future Lagos

    Aaron Souppouris
    Aaron Souppouris

    Science fiction authors have always dreamed up cities of the future. When it comes to seeing those dreams realized, though, artists and filmmakers have heavily focused on what Western cities might look like. There are, however, exceptions to that rule. Olalekan Jeyifous is a Nigerian-born artist currently based in Brooklyn. With a background in architecture, much of his work is focused on urban environments and buildings. In his 2015 series Shanty Mega-structures, Jeyifous examines the future of improvised housing. Shanty towns are a common feature among the developing world, with houses built with no regulatory oversight, typically with a lack of safe water, electricity and sanitation. The image above is but one from a larger collection, which can be viewed on Jeyifous' site. It depicts a future "mega-structure" among the improvised waterfront housing of Makoko in Lagos, Nigeria. The buildings across the series seem almost fungal, looming over their neighbors, weaving organically together high above the shanty towns.