

  • First Look: Tweeting from your iPad with Twitepad

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    In the rush of iPad apps that we've been hearing about for the last few days, the genre that seems to be missing is Twitter clients. They're very popular in the iPhone App Store, so it's surprising that we haven't seen more screenshots or videos of Twitter apps for iPad. One of the first Twitter clients to be available on iPad (as of Saturday April 3rd) will be Twitepad, an app from InfoXenter that has already been approved by Apple. The larger screen of the iPad gave InfoXenter an opportunity to build in an integrated Web browser, support for multiple columns of tweets or an unlimited number of Twitter accounts, and other features that look pretty darned good! Check out the video above for a quick look at Twitepad. Hopefully, TUAW will have a review of this early iPad client for Twitter in the near future.