

  • Resistance 3 preview: I'm on a Boat!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Insomniac Games hosted its annual Community Day in Hollywood yesterday, and Resistance 3 was on display front and center, with a few discussions, a bevy of single-player and multiplayer demo stations, and one new gameplay reveal happening throughout the day. The demo available to the public has been seen in video form before, but the other gameplay demo on hand, shown right after the announcement of Move and 3D support, was all new. Insomniac referred to it as "the boat level," because it's more or less an on-rails (on-river?) section played on a boat in the early part of the game. Protagonist Joe Capelli will be making his way from Haven, Oklahoma to New York City, and early on he jumps into a boat and starts touring up the muddy Mississippi towards St. Louis, through the flooded town of Wrightsburg, Missouri.