internet phone


  • iriver WAVE-HOME internet phone thingamajig seen in the wild

    Much like Sony's Rolly, we're still struggling to piece together exactly how iriver's WAVE-HOME device is supposed to revolutionize our lives. And, you know, figure out what exactly it does. Thanks to a unit floating out in South Korea (in black attire, no less), we're given a decent look of the internet phone / do-it-all home appliance getting unboxed and setup for the first time. Aside from phoning people, we're told that the handset can also double as a TV remote or controller for a radio / music player. We're still eager to get our own palms around one of these curious creations, but for now, you can tap the read link to get a few JPEGs closer.[Via Portable Alliance]

    Darren Murph
  • Belkin delivers new Desktop Internet Phone for Skype

    Another day, another Skype phone. Belkin's doing its best to not stand out here at CES with the Desktop Internet Phone for Skype -- a $99.99, um, internet phone for Skype. Among the absolutely dazzling array of features is the ability to take / receive calls without having to turn on your computer, automatic Skype login and the ability to plug directly into one's router for immediate use. Unfortunately, it seems Belkin's site isn't exactly in the mood to divulge an image of this thing, but judging by the sound of it, you're not missing much.

    Darren Murph
  • Samsung intros internet-enabled SMT-i8080 phone

    LCD-packin' phones with internet connectivity have certainly been around the block, and while we can't imagine the demand being extraordinarily high 'round these parts, Samsung is probably hoping that a few folks in Hong Kong take interest in the SMT-i8080. The IP phone reportedly enables users to view TV on the screen, video-conference with others, tune into music, shop online (for realz?), and even reserve movie tickets. Granted, the more technically adept may prefer a more fleshed out interface to handle the aforementioned duties, but we certainly wouldn't quetch if The Man replaced our current cubical phone with this gem.[Via MobileWhack]

    Darren Murph
  • Avixe SYS-UC03 combines mic, speakers, and webcam for Skype delight

    We know, delving into internet telephony can be a scary endeavor for the uninitiated, but if you're not down with setting up your own system piece by piece, and dropping upwards of $300 for an all-in-one device isn't in the cards either, Avixe's latest has you covered. Aiming to ease even the the PSTN diehards into the VoIP realm, the innocent SYS-UC03 provides an integrated microphone, speakers, and webcam all in a single device, allowing users to painlessly experience the Skype movement with just a single USB connection. Additionally, it features built-in DSP with echo cancellation, status LEDs, on board volume controls, and a black or white color scheme as well. Unfortunately there's no word on pricing details just yet, but we can't imagine this ball of joy demanding too much anyway.[Via Wired]

    Darren Murph
  • Asus showcases SideShow-enabled AiGuru S2 VoIP Skype handset

    It sure didn't take long for this SideShow bandwagon to get overcrowded, as now we've even got a VoIP phone touting its SideShow functionality, not to mention its ability to interface with iTunes and Windows Media Player as well. While Asus' first attempt, the AiGuru S1, received lukewarm reviews at best, the refreshed version sports a lot more functionality, a color display, and a much slimmer profile. Aside from playing nice with 802.11b/g networks, touting three hours of talk time, and offering full support for Skype (including Skype ID and caller photos / avatars), this handset also rocks an internal speaker / headphone jack for wireless music playback, and also supports streaming from iTunes / WMP; moreover, users can purportedly check their email right on the display thanks to its SideShow pizazz. Although pricing information was absent, the AiGuru S2 will be hitting shelves alongside those PSTN-to-VoIP motherboards in the first quarter of this year.[Via Skype]

    Darren Murph